9 Foods That Should Not Be Refrigerated For Storage

Putting certain foods in the refrigerator can change their texture and make them lose their taste. It is therefore preferable to store them at room temperature.

The refrigerator is one of the household appliances that we use the most, but not all foods need to be refrigerated.

The refrigerator can extend the shelf life of many foods. In fact, by lowering the ambient temperature, it slows down the growth of bacteria which accelerate the decomposition of food. Therefore, we store almost all the food we buy there in order to stock up for the week.

What you need to know is that by putting all the food in the refrigerator, we are making a mistake.

It is obvious that  some of them should not be subjected to  low temperatures. They can indeed degrade more easily because of humidity and cold.

Therefore, knowing how to properly store fruits, vegetables and other food items is important.

Next, in this article, we’re going to give you 9 examples of foods that we mistakenly store in the refrigerator.

1. Potatoes

When potatoes are subjected to low temperatures, their starch turns into sugar and alters their taste.  

The best way to keep them in perfect condition is therefore in a paper bag in a cupboard or in a dark, cool place.

2. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are indeed one of the foods that should not be refrigerated… They love room temperature indeed!

By putting tomatoes in the refrigerator, the cold tends to alter their taste and texture. In addition, if they are very green, their ripening process will be much slower.

Conversely, know that it is good to keep them in a cool, dry place, away from sunlight.

It is a fruit that ripens very easily. The ideal is therefore to buy small quantities each time you need them. You will be able to enjoy very fresh tomatoes at all times!

3. Basil

Like tomatoes, basil keeps best away from the cold. In the refrigerator, it tends to spoil quickly and lose its pleasant taste.

A trick to keeping this herb longer is to put it in a plastic bag with small holes that allow it to oxygenate.

4. Onion


This vegetable does not need to be refrigerated and it is best to keep it in a cool, dry place so that it will last for several days.

Since it is a food that is extracted from the earth, the environment of the refrigerator is aggressive and accelerates its aging process.

A simple trick is to put it in paper bags and keep them in a cool, dark cabinet or drawer.

5. Avocado is not a food to refrigerate either

Most of the avocados that are sold in the market are tough and therefore need a few days of heat to achieve a soft texture.

A very easy way to do this is to wrap them in newspaper and keep them in a warm place in the kitchen.

Note that this is one of the foods that should not be refrigerated after cutting or preparing it in a sauce  because low temperatures change its taste. It is therefore best to consume it immediately.

6. The banana

When you put a banana in the refrigerator, the cold inhibits its ripening and this can cause a change in its taste and texture.

Therefore, when left on for a long time, her skin takes on an unattractive dark color.

7. Honey

This food has many preservative properties and therefore does not need low temperatures to stay in perfect condition.

In fact, when honey is left in the refrigerator for a long time, it almost always crystallizes. It then loses its liquid texture which allows it to be easily added to many dishes.

8. Coffee

To maintain the delicious taste of coffee, it should always be kept in a cool, dry place away from low temperatures.

9. The melon

In supermarkets, one can indeed see that melons are almost always in baskets in cool and dry places.

In fact, this is because low temperatures tend to make them floury and make them taste more tasteless.

So, when you buy them, you have to store them in the same way at home.

Correct your mistakes!

Correct the error
Now that you know what foods not to refrigerate,  keep them in a place that suits their lifestyle. 

By organizing yourself well, you can extend their lifespan, but also avoid waste.

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