The 8 Best Foods To Sleep Well

Did you know that the food you eat has a big influence on the quality of your sleep? Try to eat natural, healthy foods, and avoid heavy meals before bed.

If you are having trouble sleeping, it may be due to too heavy dinners or an unbalanced diet. Do you know what foods can help you sleep well?

In this article, we invite you to discover the best foods for getting to sleep quickly. Avoid insomnia the natural way!

Step one: find out if you have a sleep imbalance

If you haven’t managed to sleep overnight all the time, you don’t need to worry.

However, if these episodes repeat daily, and they get worse and worse, you are probably suffering from insomnia.

This condition is characterized by an inability to sleep at night, or difficulty falling asleep. People with insomniacs may fall asleep after the first rays of the sun have just appeared.

In most cases, insomnia is caused by stress, nervousness and anxiety, but also by personal problems and poor diet.

In rarer cases, it is caused by sleep apnea, cardiovascular difficulties or depression.

What are the foods to sleep well?

If you cannot sleep well at night, your diet is not very healthy.

Food rich in protein

This type of food will allow you to feel full without having to eat in large quantities.

Among the most recommended foods are:

  • Fresh fruits
  • Cheese
  • Eggs
  • Hot chocolate


Turkey meat is rich in tryptophanes, substances which produce a very strong feeling of fullness.

In addition, it has the ability to help us sleep soundly and very calmly. Eat a portion of this meat, and accompany it with vegetables, several times a week.

The water

the water

One of the foods to sleep well is water.

Remember to hydrate your body throughout the day, but also do this before going to bed.

Just before going to bed, drink a full glass of lukewarm water. If it is cold, you can consume herbal infusions, but especially not coffee, sodas and industrial juices.


Bananas have two very important nutrients, which act as natural sleeping pills: melatonin and tryptophan.

Eating a banana for dessert at dinner allows your brain to send the message to your body that it is time to go to bed.


A hot cup of milk with a spoonful of honey is an excellent remedy for sleeping peacefully.

This will reduce the levels of the hormone called orexyne, the job of which is to activate the state of alertness in the brain.

If this hormone is reduced, you will be able to fall asleep almost instantly.


Oats are high in fiber. If consumed hot, it is an excellent stimulant for the stomach.

You can also opt for a bowl of lukewarm milk in which you will have dissolved oatmeal an hour before going to bed. All you have to do is close your eyes and let yourself fall asleep!


chamomile among the foods for good sleep

Among the foods to sleep well, we find chamomile. Drink a cup of chamomile tea every day before you go to bed.


  • 1 teaspoon of chamomile flowers (15 g)
  • 1 cup of hot water (250 g)


Boil the water with the chamomile flowers for a few minutes. Cover, then let rest, before straining and drinking everything with a teaspoon of honey. Then relax your mind and body, then finally relax all your muscles.

Wholemeal bread

A slice of wholemeal bread releases the insulin contained in the body.

It will then travel through the body, via the blood flow, then trigger the production of serotonin, a substance that eliminates depression and reduces the state of alertness.

Which dinners to sleep well?

To increase your intake of foods to sleep well, you need to organize menus that will provide you with the nutrients you need to reach a state of satiety, and that will allow you to reduce your stress, as well as your anxiety.

If you follow the meals that we are going to give you, you will fall asleep quickly, your body will recover much better during the night and your immune system will be strengthened.

Here are some meal ideas containing foods to sleep well.

A dish of pasta with vegetables

Prepare this delicious pasta dish. The proportions are for 2 people.


  • 300 grams of pasta
  • 1 potato
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 tomato
  • 1/4 cabbage
  • 1 broccoli
  • Salt and pepper
  • The juice of a lemon
  • Tomato sauce


  • Peel the carrots and potato, then cut them in half. Also cut the tomato, broccoli and cabbage.
  • Heat the water in a saucepan then, once it comes to a boil, immerse the vegetables in it for 15 minutes.
  • Cook the pasta in salted water until it becomes al dente (about 10 minutes).
  • When everything is cooked, put all the ingredients in a pan with a little oil, and add the tomato sauce.
  • After 6 minutes, pour in the lemon juice and adjust the seasoning.
  • If you wish, you can sprinkle some grated Parmesan on top.

A mix of fruit and cheese

It is a refreshing and natural dish, which is very filling. Ideal for dessert!


  • 1 apple
  • 4 melon slices
  • 4 watermelon slices
  • 1 kiwi
  • 1 orange
  • 4 slices of papaya
  • 4 watermelon slices
  • 100 g double cream cheese
  • 4 tablespoons of honey (100 g)


  • Wash and cut the fruit into slices.
  • Then put everything in a dish, randomly.
  • Put the cheese in the center, then pour in the honey.
  • Finally, place the preparation in the refrigerator a few minutes before serving.

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