10 Good Reasons To Get Around By Bike!

While riding a bicycle, we allow our knees and other joints to rest, as they do not have to support the weight of the body, which largely rests on the saddle.

More and more people are deciding to put their cars aside to start traveling on two wheels. Cycling allows you to avoid traffic and in addition, you play sports! If you haven’t yet decided to make this big change, read the following 10 good reasons to cycle!

To end depression!

It is proven that people who cycle are much less sad. They also suffer less from psychological disorders. This activity oxygenates the brain and  therefore helps us to think better. In addition, it secretes a hormone that generates a healthy addiction to sports.

To reduce the risk of heart attack

The percentage is about minus 50%! Indeed, when you pedal, the heart rate increases while the blood pressure decreases. So what is the result? A heart that works while saving itself.

Cycling to relieve back pain!

It is an ideal activity for those who work in an office all day. When we get on a bicycle, we have to tilt our body forward to catch the handlebars, and the back muscles then tighten to stabilize the trunk.

You should also know that lack of exercise causes back pain. Likewise, we are less able to cushion our falls.

by bike

To lower cholesterol

Cycling lowers LDL cholesterol, the so-called bad cholesterol. On the other hand, the good cholesterol (HDL), it increases. This is because blood vessels are healthier and more flexible, and cholesterol is less likely to calcify.

To generate endorphins

These well-known happiness hormones are produced when riding a bicycle. Be careful, this is true when the activity is constant for an hour. If the activity lasts longer, you will get the opposite effect.

To repel infections

Some studies show that riding a bicycle can even kill cancer. This is because the activity improves our immune system. It is therefore recommended for patients with this disease and even for those with AIDS. Phagocytes (cells) move when you cycle, and they can then clear infections.by bike

To protect your knees

Contrary to popular belief, pedaling a bicycle allows your knees to be protected! This is because the greatest weight of the body rests on the seat. Neither the cartilage nor the joints should bear heavy loads.

To shape your figure

As you work your legs, cycling also helps shape your upper body. Indeed, everything is linked. Some even decide to do sit-ups after the race, so as not to neglect this area.

Results in minutes!

To start enjoying the benefits of a bike ride, remember this guide:

  • 10 minutes improves circulation .
  • 20 minutes stimulate the immune system.
  • 30 minutes improve the heart.
  • 40 minutes increase the capacity of the lungs.
  • 50 minutes speed up the metabolism.
  • 60 minutes allow you to control your weight, increase your general well-being and eliminate stress.

Photographs courtesy of Richard Masoner, Seth Anderson and Ginny.

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