Lengthen Your Eyelashes With These 5 Homemade Tips

The look is essential in our general appearance. We may take out our best outfits, wear a devastating outfit, if our eyes seem tired or if our makeup leaves something to be desired, we will certainly not return the desired image.

The eyelashes play a key role here. Their length brings security and confidence to your gaze. Did you know that you can lengthen your eyelashes naturally?

Of course, if you want to return this image, it will not only depend on the aesthetic aspect, but also on your attitude.

In addition, taking care of your eyelashes is important for your health. As you probably know, the role of eyelashes is to protect our eyes from dust and contaminants in the ambient air.

Always for a question of health, it is more important than ever to take care of it, now that the pollution contaminates even the rural areas.

So many good reasons to try to improve the appearance of our eyelashes with these homemade preparations. If we can avoid exposure to synthetic substances whose origin we do not know, why not?

On the other hand, those who suffer from eye problems should talk to their doctor before using these tips.

Lengthen your eyelashes with these homemade tips

1. Castor oil

Castor oil is ideal for treating hair loss, since it facilitates growth, as well as hair regeneration.

So many virtues that make it an excellent alternative to achieve our goal. Especially to lengthen the eyelashes.

In addition, it is quick and easy to apply: just soak a cotton swab and apply it to the desired area.

You can apply it on a daily basis, castor oil being very respectful for our skin.

2. Olive oil

Olive oil is rich in antioxidants that promote optimal eyelash development.

Like castor oil, it is very easy to use:

  • Moisten fingertips with a little olive oil and apply to the root.
  • You will see your eyelashes grow gradually with a much healthier appearance.
  • You can apply it without any problem during the day, but we recommend that you apply it in the evening before going to bed. Thus, you will stimulate and benefit from the regeneration process that takes place during the night.

3. Coconut oil to lengthen your eyelashes

lengthen your eyelashes with coconut oil

Its virtues are numerous. Its vitamin intake makes it the ideal ally to include in our skincare routine.

  • It helps your eyelashes to be better nourished. They will be longer and brighter.
  • It is used in the same way as the previous oils.

Although it was difficult to get hold of it for a long time, it is now possible to find it in stores specializing in natural products or simply in supermarkets.

4. Lengthen your eyelashes with chamomile

Besides its nutritional virtues, chamomile has another advantage: its anti-bacterial property.

Our eyes are exposed to pollution and pollution contamination. An infusion of chamomile will allow us to treat the eye area.

  • With this chamomile preparation, you can both massage your eyelids and rinse your eyeball.
  • Thus, you will be able to protect yourself from infections and display long eyelashes.

5. Egg white to lengthen your eyelashes naturally

lengthen your eyelashes with egg white

What interests us here is the protein. Indeed, proteins not only help us to eliminate fat and maintain our muscles, they are also vital for the hair.

As a result, egg white is widely used in natural shampoos. It is less convenient and comfortable to use compared to the previous options, but this option is very effective.

Here is the best way to apply it:

  • Put the egg white in a bowl. No need to beat him.
  • Using your fingertips, apply it to your lashes from the root upwards.
  • Leave on for 10 minutes and remove with hot water.
  • Repeat this three times a week.

As you can see, we have not only opted for home remedies but also for natural products. Intervening in an extra-sensitive area, it is important to favor health over aesthetics.

And besides, we prefer natural products because the side effects are practically non-existent, without affecting their effectiveness.

However, we recommend that you consult a doctor before using these tips.

And there you have it, you know how to lengthen your eyelashes naturally!

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