Sometimes When Someone Leads You To The Precipice, You Find That You Can Fly

Just getting closer to that precipice is already an act of courage. Beyond the abyss and the hardships, there is a world of possibilities that are worth it.

We are sure that during your life you have already faced an abyss. These are times of suffering when other people bring us to the edge of the precipice.

We are of course talking about traumatic emotional relationships. Those which alter our self-esteem and which take us to the limit of our strength. We even come to think in these moments that all is lost.

It is often said that we need to reach extreme situations to suddenly realize our courage and inner strength.

Even if you don’t believe it, we all have wings to fly.

When you’re on the precipice, look up

We’ve all hit rock bottom before. These are moments of introspection, inner reconstruction and reflection.

No one should be ashamed of having fallen. And even less to hate himself because he let himself be drawn to the edge of the abyss.

To live is to experiment and to make mistakes. Sometimes we build emotional relationships that are fraught with unhappiness because in the beginning love filled us with dreams and trust in the other person.

We all deserve to be given the opportunity to be happy.

At present, happiness is not always guaranteed. And sadness takes us to our personal limits, often because of other people.

The abyss is always cold, for it is a limit which does not open up to anything. However, on the other side of the abyss lies a new opportunity.

That is why it is essential to open your wings with strength and resistance, using this inner energy that we all have.

  • During these moments of emotional pain, we feel that we have come to the limit of ourselves. We say: “I can’t anymore” .
    But from now on, when you say this sentence to yourself, accompany it with this other sentence: “I have come this far”.
  • Don’t look down where the fragility is and the “I can’t” .
    Now is the time to open your wings and get back all you were before : a person full of optimism, self-esteem, and who loved himself enough to struggle with all his might in life.

Facing the precipice, open your wings to resilience

We told you at the beginning of this article about “that inner strength” that we all have and that helps us overcome suffering, loss or disappointment.

All of these dimensions lead our minds and hearts to the edge of the precipice, where we think all is lost.

The ability to find this value in ourselves to trigger change and “open our wings” is called resilience.

With this natural human ability, we are able to cope with and learn from very difficult situations.

Resilience is in you

Even if you don’t believe it, you have this ability that makes you brave and allows you to overcome the insurmountable.

However, to accept it and make use of it, the following steps must be taken:

  • Realize that pain is a part of your life. We lose people and others disappoint us. Life sometimes brings us adversities that test us and gradually bring us closer to the precipice.
  • Understand that just because you’ve made it this far doesn’t mean you’re fragile or that you’ve made a serious mistake. It is a path you trusted and today circumstances are simply showing you that it was not the right one.

So react, change the pace, and open your wings.

Accept that this is going to be difficult, and that the pain will be with you for a while.

However, the simple act of lifting yourself into the air, reacting, and stepping away from what hurts you is already an act of courage and strength.

Day after day, it will hurt you less and less because you will have acted with resilience.

Resilience is the best act of emotional wisdom

You are all that you have overcome in life. In your mind and heart lurk battles that only you know and that define you.

  • Approaching the precipice throughout your life means you have dared to live. And that you took risks because you thought it was worth it.
  • After successfully solving this problem, you have more strength and wisdom.
  • Resilience is an emotional parachute that strengthens you, that keeps you from falling. And which also teaches you to survive in this complex world where joys are never assured.

Finally, if you currently see yourself on the edge of a precipice, do not look down.

Take a look inside and remember that you deserve to be happy again. A new opportunity will emerge beyond the precipice.

So open your wings and make a last effort of courage … 

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