7 Types Of Fish That Would Be Harmful To Our Health

Although it is often considered a delicacy, caviar is not a quality product because it is grown in contaminated water , which can cause poisoning.

Fish is one of the healthiest foods you can eat.

Fish is proven to be a source of essential fatty acids, protein, and antioxidant compounds that help improve cardiovascular health and the condition of the skin as well as the body in general.

In recent years, the consumption of fish has increased significantly. Notably thanks to its high omega-3 content.

Unfortunately, the industry is not 100% committed to the health of consumers. And in recent years, certain types of harmful fish have been distributed.

Indeed, they are contaminated with mercury, antibiotics or other chemicals.

Today, many people are wondering which are these fish that are better not to eat.

Since we do not want to endanger our health by consuming this food, we are going to share with you 7 types of fish that are better not to eat.

1. Bluefin tuna

Bluefin tuna has a concentration of mercury which can be harmful when ingested. 

Like other marine species, bluefin tuna absorb significant amounts of this poison through the prey on which it feeds.

Indeed, this hope ingests mercury and the latter then arrives in our human body when we consume this fish.

2. The panga

This type of fish is the one to be avoided at all costs for safety reasons.

In recent years it has gained popularity in many markets, but behind the apparent freshness lie secrets that the consumer cannot even imagine.

Its culture takes place in the Mekong Delta, and it is one of the most polluted fish in the world.

These fish have often been shown to be fed on dead fish, bone scraps and a type of meal that is just not of the best quality.

3. Catfish and catfish

If catfish are of Vietnamese origin, they are all the more dangerous for human consumption.

Indeed, in Vietnam, antibiotics are used which are banned in many countries because they greatly harm human health.

These substances remain in the fish and once ingested by humans can cause side effects.

4. The shark

Shark is served in many restaurants around the world as an expensive and exotic dish, without many people being aware of its harmfulness.

When we consume this fish, we support illegal shark fishing, which causes significant environmental damage.

In addition, it can be harmful to health because it feeds on smaller fish that contain significant amounts of mercury.

5. Caviar

It is one of the most expensive and sought after on the market. However, because of this reputation,  its quality has declined as it is now grown in polluted waters.

If the origin of caviar is unknown, it is best to avoid it so as not to suffer from poisoning or other undesirable effects.

6. The puffer fish

Known as “the world’s most dangerous culinary delight,” pufferfish have become an exotic dish in Japan and other countries around the world, where the species is caught.

However, we know that inside this fish hides one of the most dangerous and deadly venoms, called tetrodotoxin.

This substance is found in her liver, ovaries, and skin, so it’s highly complicated to prepare.

Finally, the venom remains in the fish even after cooking . Although dangerous organs are eliminated, safety is not fully assured.

The tetrodotoxin has the capacity to interrupt the automatic circuit of muscular reflexes including those of the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm, resulting in the death of the victim by asphyxiation.

7. Farmed salmon

Bred on intensive aquaculture sites, this popular variety of fish is found in small, tight tanks loaded with bacteria and parasites that can easily contaminate it.

In addition, its consumption is not excellent for the body because it can have negative effects on health.

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