The Benefits Of Eating Whole Grains Over Processed Grains

Processed grains are made to sell, so they surely don’t just contain healthy nutrients. Focusing on whole grains will lead to a change in our diet that will benefit our health.

We all know that advertising makes it much more attractive, which is not. So in this article we will focus on some of the benefits of consuming whole grains, rather than processed grains. Although processed products are much more appetizing, the healthiest for us are natural products.

The sin of industrial cereals lies in the large amount of sugar they contain. In addition, although the indications in large font indicate that they contain fiber, if we consider the nutritional information, then we can see that the amount per serving is low.

We will therefore see here how it is advantageous to replace industrial cereals with whole cereals, namely oatmeal, corn flakes or wheat germ. Acquiring them in the most natural way possible will be essential.

Helps maintain a healthy weight

prefer whole grains to industrial grains

Processed cereals contain large amounts of sugar, which forces us to consume more than necessary. So after two breakfasts, the cereal box is finished. This is not good, neither for our health nor for our wallet.

What brands want is exactly that: that we consume this type of grain quickly to buy more. Most often, these grains are also much more expensive than oats, wheat germ or corn flakes.

Whole grains do not contain sugars. They will not generate this desire to eat until they are no longer able. One of their characteristics is that they  are satiating which will make it easier to lose weight if that is what we are looking for.

In addition, it will prevent you from consuming a fully processed product.

Improves our intestinal transit

If we have constipation problems, whole grains are a great ally.  This is because their high fiber content not only increases the number of beneficial bacteria in the gut, but also allows the feces to soften, thus facilitating their expulsion.

Improving our intestinal transit has many benefits. Among them are the prevention of hemorrhoids, as well as diverticulosis and diverticulitis. With a conscious and healthy diet, we will avoid this type of disease.

However, its use is not recommended in the case of people suffering from ulcerative colitis or if we are going through a process in which we are suffering from diarrhea. The reason is that under these conditions our problem may get worse, which we do not want under any circumstances.

Helps lower cholesterol

the benefits of whole grains

Cholesterol is a disease that affects many people who even need to take medication to control it. If we don’t want to reach these extremes, a good way to do it is to replace industrial grains with whole grains. But why do whole grains help lower cholesterol?

The high fiber content of this type of cereal facilitates the expulsion of bad cholesterol (LDL), leaving room for the good. It is therefore better to consume a moderate amount of whole grains each day rather than opting for products that promise to reduce them or taking drugs that may have side effects.

As we have seen, replacing industrial grains with whole grains is a very good idea. However, we should always consider the nutritional information presented by the products we are going to purchase. Maybe the oats we buy are not as “natural” as we thought they were.

Reading product content is a chore, but imagine that once we do, then we will know which ones to choose and which to avoid. It is therefore an effort that will be worth it and that our health will appreciate.

What type do you usually go for? Whole grains will not only allow us to achieve all of the benefits mentioned above, but will also help us save a lot more.

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