How To Treat The Main Mouth Ailments

To avoid more serious problems requiring a filling, it is very important to see a dentist when we discover cavities.

Mouth conditions are diverse and can affect the teeth, gums, lips or mucous membranes.

It is essential to take care of it and protect each of these vital elements in order to avoid all kinds of problems. The most common are cavities, bad breath, gingivitis and canker sores.

How to have a healthy mouth

More than half of the population has oral problems. To a large extent, these problems can be attributed to poor hygiene or the fact that few people go to the dentist regularly.

It is essential to carry out regular checks in order to be able to detect in time any anomaly that could appear in this part of the body, which is otherwise so delicate.

Do prevention and you will avoid all the aches and pains that may arise and thus you will have a healthy mouth. To make it so, follow these tips:

  • Reduce your sugar consumption: sugar promotes the formation of dental plaque, as a result the risk of cavities increases and it destroys the tooth enamel. Limit your intake of carbonated drinks and coffee if you want to keep your teeth white.
    Eating or drinking foods that are too cold or too hot can make the mouth more sensitive.

Remedies for ailments of the mouth.

  • Brush your teeth three times a day: in the morning when you wake up, at noon after breakfast and in the evening before going to bed. It won’t take you more than three minutes each time.
    Use dental floss, a lingual brush, and an antiseptic solution. Do not abuse whitening products and have your teeth descaled by the dentist once a year.
  • Beware of any medications you take: Continuous contraceptives, antibiotics, tranquilizers, pain relievers, antihistamines, and antidepressants reduce saliva production and make your mouth more vulnerable.
  • Get your gums treated if they are sensitive: if your gums bleed when you brush your teeth, when you eat an apple or a piece of bread, go see a dentist so that he can prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Mouth care.

How to treat the main mouth conditions

Tooth decay is the most dangerous and common “enemy” of your mouth, and ultimately the most common disease.

It is caused by dental plaque, that sticky substance that forms in the mouth after eating, when leftover food mixes with saliva and forms a thin, transparent film.

On contact with germs in the mouth, sugar ferments and produces an acid which eats away at the enamel.

The best thing you can do is brush your teeth after eating, and if you have cavities make an appointment with the dentist for a filling (if you wait too long for treatment it will hurt. because the decay will have reached the nerve of the tooth).

As for gingivitis, it is a disease of the mouth from which many adults suffer. It is caused by bacteria that inflame the gums. As a result, when we brush our teeth or eat certain foods, our gums bleed easily.

This disease is the result of poor hygiene but it can be cured provided that a dentist applies the appropriate treatment. There are toothpastes and gels specially designed to treat it.

If left untreated, it can develop into periodontosis, a more serious condition that destroys the bone or periodontium that supports the tooth.

Problems of the mouth.

Bad breath can result from an imbalance in the mouth caused by cavities, poor hygiene, insufficient salivation or stomach problems. Peppermint is one of the most effective home remedies for combating that unpleasant odor that emanates from your mouth.

Ulcers or canker sores can appear for different reasons. Stress, too spicy a dish, too intense a mouthwash, the bad habit of biting the inside of the lips, an injury you get while eating, etc.

They usually appear when our immune system is weakened and the microorganisms in the oral cavity are growing abnormally.

They are formed individually and must be differentiated from the herpes virus. Because the treatment is different in each of the two cases. Wearing an orthodontic appliance can promote their appearance. They usually go away spontaneously, but if they persist for several days or weeks, then it is necessary to strengthen the immune system.

Among the most popular natural remedies for treating canker sores we have honey. It is used as an antiseptic and antimicrobial by applying it directly to the canker sore. The same can be done with sage, hydrogen peroxide or also salt water mouthwashes.

Canker sore in the mouth.

Burning mouth syndrome

A sharp heat on the tongue or “burning mouth syndrome” causes pain similar to that of a burn.  It is a condition that especially affects women during menopause or mature men.

Some of its symptoms are: burning, sleepy tongue, bitterness. The mouth is dry, and also a taste of iron. One can treat these symptoms by using a mint tea. An antiseptic and refreshing herb, to make several mouthwashes during the day.

You can also take advantage of the properties of garlic and onion, using them together. Mix these two ingredients well. And apply this paste on your tongue for a few seconds, then rinse with cold water. The pain and inflammation will decrease instantly.

Finally, let’s talk about “dry mouth”. This is a phenomenon that occurs quite frequently and is usually due to stress. Anxiety, depression, infections, smoking. Diabetes, problems with the immune system, the use of antidepressants or hypotensive drugs and dehydration.

The symptoms are manifested by burning, pain, bad breath, also taste changes, and cavities.


There are also three recipes you can use to treat dry mouth syndrome. An infusion of chamomile flowers (which stimulates the salivary glands). Green tea (as a preventive measure, as it has anti-bacterial properties). And also ginger. It increases the amount of saliva and at the same time it also makes bad breath disappear.

Dry mouth problem.

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