Make Your Own Pots And Planters

Here’s how you can make your own homemade flower pots in an easy, simple and above all creative way. Note our tips!

If you don’t have one, or have broken the ones you did, don’t worry. You can still make your own pots and planters for the plants. All you need is a few materials and a touch of creativity.

Nowadays, pots are an important decorative element. Not only because they show a part of your personality, but also because they make plants stand out a lot more.

Plants, whether ornamental or not, are the perfect addition to bring your home to life. Taking care of them is easy, and having or making pretty pots is easy too.

Why ? Because part of the function of a good pot is to allow the plant to grow well and stay healthy.

It is fundamental to have pots for plants or flowers at home, these containers in which we usually plant our plants in addition to serving as a support for the soil that nourishes them, can add an additional aesthetic element to your interior.

Make your own pots and planters: homemade plants

Plants bring life and color to your home

There are endless different pots on the market that you can find, but we want to encourage you to make your own pots and planters. Why ? Because it is always good to know how to give a solution to your problems.

Imagine that you have a flowerpot with your favorite flowers, which you probably struggled to care for and maintain. For one reason or another, the plant falls and decomposes, leaving the plant completely unprotected at the root.

To prevent it from drying out and dying, it is best to make a homemade pot for it. Not only will you feel more secure, but you will also save money. And you’ll get even more satisfaction from doing something so positive with your own hands.

There are a lot of items that are no longer in use, so to speak, but take a look at them again. They are not yet good to throw away. Surely, at this second glance, something has changed in your perception. You should reuse them to give them a second chance. Let’s get to work!

Tools and materials you will need

Making your own pots or planters is an easy project. Therefore, you won’t need a lot of tools. In fact, these are tools that can be found in every home.

In some cases, all you need is a brush and paint. It all depends on your creative ambition. Common tools you might need are:

  • Scissors
  • Hammer
  • Brush
  • Painting
  • Pliers or nippers
  • Nails
  • Creativity and motivation
  • A clean and free surface (a workbench, for example)

How to make your own pots and planters?

How to make your own pots and planters

The first thing to do is to select all the items that you can use as boxes, containers or containers. Because that will be their main function.

Avoid limiting yourself to the fact that things have to look special, because you can’t imagine what creativity and ingenuity can do to things that were never meant to be pots.

Let your creativity run free! You can select any object like:

  • Empty boxes
  • Old bowls
  • Coffee cups
  • Plastic bottles
  • Glass jars
  • Wooden crates
  • Rubber parts or tires
  • And whatever your mind thinks it can transform

There are no limits or rules to creation

Once you have selected the items to use, clean them completely, inside and out, removing any polluting residue. You can use soap and water and a piece of cloth or one that you have collected.

Next, evaluate the changes you will make to the containers you will use as jars. Because the idea is to personalize them and give them the best possible image.

You should also consider the type of plants you are going to plant there. Because each of them has its own characteristics and requirements.

Some have abundant roots, others much less. While other plants are shallow rooted and others have very long roots. This will influence the shape of the container you choose.

All you have to do is work on your container. Give it the shape and color of your choice. You can decorate it with pieces of fabric, ribbons, lace, paper and even wood, which you can place around, at its base or on its sides. You can also turn them into attractive pendant lights. It’s up to you to decide !

Safety measures you should always keep in mind

making your own pots and planters: safety measures

  • Use safety equipment to protect your hands and eyes when using tools.
  • Always check that the planters or pots you have made are safe for your children. That there are no sharp edges or that they are unstable.
  • Make sure that the supports of the hanging elements are strong enough.
  • If you involve your children in the development of your project, always make sure that the activity they are doing does not represent a risk for them.

If you have dared to make your own pots, don’t forget to photograph them. Take full advantage of your creations! After all, it’s part of the fun of creating, renovating, reusing and reviving spaces and objects.

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