6 Natural Remedies For Migraines

It may seem hard to believe, but it is possible to relieve migraines with natural remedies, especially when medications work. These natural remedies can complement treatment. 

Migraines are one of those unbearable pains that prevent us from continuing our activities and which force us to go to bed in a dark and silent room.

If you are looking for a natural remedy for migraine relief, you have come to the right place. Discover here some alternative solutions to the famous analgesics. 

These home remedies will complement the treatment prescribed by your doctor perfectly.

Causes of migraines 

There are different types of headaches. Migraine is one of them. It is a sharp pain that manifests only on one side of the skull.

Usually the only way to get rid of a migraine is to go to bed in a dark and quiet room. Migraines tend to get worse when we are in a noisy and / or bright place.

In some, migraines cause blurred vision, speech disorders, and nausea and vomiting. This already gloomy picture can worsen if the individual performs physical activity or sudden movement.

Unlike a tension headache or a normal headache, migraine occurs when inflammatory substances are released, which cause pain in the nerves and blood vessels in the head and neck.

A migraine can last for a few hours to a few days, and usually migraine episodes appear every few weeks.

Home remedies to relieve migraines 

If you have a headache on one side only, and the pain intensifies with light or noise, we recommend that you try one of the natural remedies below.

1. Ice cubes 

Ice cubes relieve migraines

  • Apply ice cubes to the area where the pain is located. Leave on for twenty minutes while lying on your back on the sofa or on the bed.
  • Repeat this several times a day. The cold will relieve your headache.

2. Ginger tea

Ginger root has many health benefits: it increases body temperature, strengthens the immune system, and improves blood circulation.

Ginger root is also an excellent anti-inflammatory.

To enjoy the benefits of ginger, prepare yourself a tea!


  • 1 slice of ginger root or 1 tablespoon of grated ginger (15 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • Honey (optional)


  • Add the ginger to a cup of boiling water.
  • Let sit for ten minutes.
  • Sweeten with honey (optional).
  • Drink this hot drink from the comfort of your bed.

3. Apple cider vinegar

This remedy is effective in relieving migraines, but also in preventing their occurrence.

If you want to relieve a migraine, apply apple cider vinegar with a cloth to the area where the pain is located.

If you want to prevent the onset of migraines, use the remedy below.


  • 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (30 ml)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • In a glass of cool water, add the apple cider vinegar. Mix well.
  • Drink this drink before going to bed. This will cleanse your body and lower blood pressure, two factors that can cause migraines.

4. Chamomile tea 

The chamomile has calming and anti-inflammatory, which is why it is a perfect ally to relieve headaches.

It is also effective as a cure against insomnia or against stress.

Although it is possible to find chamomile tea bags commercially, we recommend that you prepare your own tea.


  • 3 tablespoons of chamomile flowers (45 g)
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)
  • Honey (optional)
  • 1/2 lemon (for its juice)


  • Bring the water to a boil.
  • When the water boils, add the chamomile.
  • Let sit for a few minutes.
  • Filter, sugar as you wish, and pour in the lemon juice.

5. Lavender essential oil

Lavender relieves migraines

This plant is used in many treatments because it has many medicinal properties.

Lavender oil is known for its sedative properties, but it’s not the only oil you can use for headaches. Olive oil, eucalyptus oil, thyme oil, or sandalwood oil are other good options.

The aroma of lavender helps some of us sleep better, which is why some place a few lavender flowers near their pillow.

As a remedy to relieve migraines or to prevent their occurrence, it is best to use lavender essential oil.


  • Pour a few drops on the fingers.
  • Lightly rub the product on the area where the pain is located.
  • You can pour a few drops on the towel you use to dry yourself off after showering, or on your clothes.

6. The potato

This tuber has a good water content, which is why this ingredient is sometimes used to hydrate the skin.

In addition, just like cucumber or watermelon, potato can prove to be an excellent ally in relieving migraines.


  • Just cut the potato into several slices, and place these slices on the forehead or on the temples.
  • When they are dry or hot, change.

If you regularly suffer from migraines, we recommend that you consult a specialist. You will finally know what your migraines are due to and what is the most appropriate treatment.

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