Why Is It Important To Shower Every Day Even If You Do Not Leave Your Home?

The context of quarantine that the world is currently experiencing forces us to remain confined to our homes. It is likely that some of us wonder if it is necessary to shower every day, since we do not do any outdoor activity. We answer this question here.

The world is currently paralyzed due to the coronavirus which first affected the city of Wuhan, China, and which continues to spread around the world. In a context of compulsory confinement, an essential social isolation measure, you may wonder if it is necessary to shower every day, since you do not leave your home.

In this context, our routine can no longer be the same : this pandemic is forcing us to change our daily habits. And that is the problem. We no longer have normal days, and this will be the case for the duration of the quarantine.

In some countries, quarantine is a compulsory and judicial measure. This means that failure to comply with this measure amounts to breaking the law. In other countries the restrictions are lighter. Public traffic is permitted, but working hours are reduced and teleworking is encouraged.

Under these conditions, many people find themselves locked in their homes and wonder if it is important to shower every day since they do not carry out any activity outside of their home. To answer this question, we must first understand what happens in the body when we shower frequently.

What happens in our body when we shower every day?

If not washed regularly, the human body goes through a series of changes which are usually harmful. Even if we haven’t done any physical activity or been in contact with the outdoors, these harmful changes still happen.

One of these changes is the slowing of the metabolism. Taking a shower stimulates the generation of energy in the cells, which allow the activation of various extinct energy mechanisms.

Showering also helps remove dead tissue. The skin relies on apoptosis (programmed cell death), a process that schedules the death of certain cells so that new cells can appear. Washing helps clear the path for new cells.

Finally, the smell is another reason. Of course, the smell is not related to perspiration in this case, as you can imagine, but to the presence of bacteria on the skin; when we do not wash ourselves frequently, bacteria settle on our skin. If there is too much accumulation of bacteria, their metabolic processes putrefy. The same happens with dead tissue when there is too much accumulation. The dermatosis neglecta  is the extreme consequence of this situation.

It is important to shower every day

The dermatosis neglecta 

The  dermatosis neglecta is a disease that has been described there is little time, specifically in the 80 The main symptom presented by sufferers of this disease is the formation of pigmented patches on the skin.

These patches start to give off a bad odor over the days. The mechanism of the odor is not perspiration but the putrefaction of bacteria and dead tissue accumulated on the skin. This accumulation is linked to the lack of hygiene.

This disease usually affects people who suffer from a psychiatric disorder. However, it has been reported in adolescents who completely neglected their hygiene. Our confinement will probably not lead us to this situation, but it is good to know that the lack of hygiene leads to this disease.

How many times should you shower?

A shower head

It is also not good to wash several times a day for fear of accumulating bacteria on the skin. Showering several times a day during your 40s can be tempting, especially considering that time in the shower is a way to shorten the day.

There is a clear consensus among specialists on the subject: showering every day is not counterproductive, but showering several times a day is. If we wash ourselves excessively, we remove the layer of fat used by the epidermis to maintain body temperature. And to protect us from external agents.

Maintaining good personal hygiene is necessary as and when our body demands it of us. The recommendation to follow would therefore be the following: you must shower every day, even if you do not leave your home. This will activate the metabolism, keep your skin clean without any dead tissue and thus prevent the build-up of bacteria.

It should be borne in mind in this time of the coronavirus pandemic that washing your hands is another topic. Hands should be washed with soap several times a day to stop the spread of COVID-19. This protocol had already been implemented in all hospitals for the entire coronavirus family before this pandemic.

Maintaining habits, such as taking a daily shower, helps to overcome quarantine

Quarantine linked to the spread of the coronavirus tends to cause physical and mental changes in us. Know that maintaining habits is very useful. If you are successful in scheduling activities and setting yourself schedules, you will face this quarantine with fewer side effects. Showering every day, even if you don’t leave your house, is one more daily activity to do.

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