How To Prepare A Healing And Anti-wrinkle Mask For The Skin Of Your Face

Thanks to the effects of hyssop, you will be able to reduce the scars present on your face, as well as the signs of aging. After your mask, remember to apply a good moisturizer on your skin.

The dream of many women is to maintain young and radiant skin, despite the passage of the years. Do you know how to take care of the skin on your face?

Thus, genetic factors, poor diet and environmental pollution can accelerate the aging process by causing various alterations.

Wrinkles and scars left by acne are two of the signs that can affect the beauty of a face at a relatively young age.

Fortunately, these two changes can be reduced and the general appearance of the skin can be significantly improved.

Nowadays, many companies in the cosmetic industry have created treatments that make it possible to beautify the skin of the face so that it does not reflect the signs of aging prematurely.

However, these products are generally very expensive and are out of reach for many budgets.

The good news is that there are natural ingredients that help promote cell regeneration in the skin, so as to reduce the negative impact caused by toxins in the diet and in the air.

In this article, we are going to share with you the recipe for a 100% natural mask that will allow you to repair your skin, reducing premature wrinkles, scars and all the other skin conditions that can alter the beauty of your face.

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The hyssop, clay and oatmeal mask

Hyssop ( Hyssopus officinalis ) is a medicinal plant native to Mediterranean areas, which has been used since ancient times as a treatment for various gastric and pulmonary disorders.

However, scientists have realized in recent years that this plant has fabulous powers for our skin.

Indeed, it acts as an astringent and as a healing agent capable of reducing the marks left by acne, as well as the signs of aging that appear prematurely.

Combined with ingredients such as clay and oats, hyssop creates a purifying and exfoliating mask, ideal for removing all impurities from the skin and boosting the regeneration process.

By frequently applying this natural mask, you will obtain the following benefits:

  • A noticeable reduction in scars left by acne.
  • Reduction of wrinkles and other premature signs of aging.
  • An antiseptic action that fights the bacteria responsible for acne.
  • A deep cleansing of the pores.
  • Relief from irritation and itching of the skin.
  • A reduction in tasks caused by the sun.
  • Improved blood circulation.
  • A deep exfoliation to remove dead cells.

How to prepare this mask?

take care of the skin on your face

This natural mask is very easy to make. It can be applied up to twice a week, in order to get the most of all its benefits.

Hyssop can be found in natural stores, or at an herbalist, at a very affordable price.


  • 1 tablespoon of dried hyssop (10 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of green or white clay (10 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of oat milk (20 ml)


  • Put the hyssop in a mortar, and crush it until you get a kind of powder.
  • Pour it into a glass container, then add the hot oat milk.
  • Gradually add the clay, then use a wooden spoon to stir the entire mixture.
  • Once you have obtained a creamy and solid texture, let it sit for 5 minutes, then apply the mixture like a classic mask, to the skin of your face.

Method of application

mask to take care of the skin of your face

The best time to apply this mask is right before going to bed.

In this way, its properties will be well absorbed by your skin during your night’s rest.

  • Before applying the mask, remember to cleanse your face well, especially making sure that no traces of makeup remain.
  • When your skin is clean and fresh, take the necessary amount of the mixture, then apply it in an even layer on your face, avoiding the area around your eyes and lips, two areas where the skin is particularly thin and sensitive.
  • Leave on for 20 minutes, or until the mask dries, then rinse your face with lukewarm water.
  • Finally, before going to bed, use a night-time moisturizer.

You will obtain a clean, soft and purified skin, perfectly ready to carry out its natural process of regeneration.

If you prefer to apply this mask in the morning, it is very important to apply sunscreen before you leave your home.

This step should not be forgotten under any circumstances, as the oatmeal exfoliation makes your skin very sensitive, and more prone to sunburn.

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