Natural Therapies That Help Fight Neuropathic Pain

Neuropathic pain is the result of injury or dysfunction of the nervous system. The patient then feels pain, weakness and numbness. Are there natural therapies to soothe them? In this article, we tell you everything.

In recent years, certain natural therapies have been accepted as a supplement for neuropathic pain. Although they are not the first choice treatment for this disease, they can be offered to patients as an adjunct to improve symptoms and have a better quality of life.

Neuropathic pain results from injury or dysfunction of the nervous system, as defined by the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) . They can be located in the central nervous system – bone marrow and brain – or in peripheral areas – nerves, plexuses and microscopic nerve endings.

It is often chronic and severe pain that can be difficult to treat. It is therefore necessary to consult a doctor and evaluate the treatment options depending on the case. However, as we have mentioned, some natural therapies that seem to help manage symptoms can also be considered. We will detail them in the rest of this article.

Natural therapies for neuropathic pain

According to information published in The Lancet Neurology , neuropathic pain is characterized by continuous or stabbing spontaneous pain that appears after noxious or non-harmful stimuli. In patients who suffer from it, the responses to pain are amplified, which decreases their quality of life.

Given their complexity, their diagnosis and treatment are difficult to establish. However, according to the same source, there are advanced pharmacological treatments that can help control symptoms. These include options such as:

  • Amitriptyline, gabapentin and pregabalin, which are often the first line
  • Duloxetine, a second choice
  • Opioids, tramadol, and topical medications
  • Other antiepileptic drugs and antidepressants

However, thanks to recent research, some natural therapies have been proposed. They could help in the management of symptoms of neuropathic pain. Although it is advisable to consult a practitioner first before starting such treatment, these are options that should be considered. Let us examine them in detail.


Acupuncture for naturopathic pain

Acupuncture is a type of complementary therapy that is part of traditional Chinese medicine. During its practice, small needles are inserted into the skin at different pressure points to help balance the energy in the body.

From the perspective of Western medicine, this type of therapy helps stimulate the nerves and muscles. It is therefore considered that it may be useful in improving blood circulation and reducing the response to pain. However, more studies are needed.

Despite this, many patients with neuropathic pain have chosen to use this therapy to improve their symptoms. A pilot study published in the European Journal of Neurology found interesting results in the management of pain caused by this condition.

In any case, this is a therapy that must be applied by licensed professionals, as it also carries risks. Poor practice can lead to injuries, infections and a host of other complications.

Physical exercise

One of the best natural therapies for neuropathic pain is exercise. In fact, in conventional medicine, it is one of the habits proposed to improve the health and quality of life of patients with this disease.

Regular exercise helps increase muscle tone and promotes circulation; it can therefore help to calm some symptoms of neuropathy. A study published in Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience found that physical training helps improve nerve function and decrease neuropathic pain, as well as other types of sensory dysfunction, such as numbness.

On the other hand, exercise also helps control blood glucose levels, which helps reduce the risk of complications from diabetic neuropathy. Ideally, you should start gradually, without exceeding your physical capacity. In addition, it is advisable to seek the help of a professional trainer or physiotherapist.

Meditation and yoga to fight against neuropathic pain

You can fight naturopathic pain by doing yoga

Techniques such as meditation and yoga can be considered complementary in cases of neuropathic pain. Both of these practices can help a person cope better with the pain caused by their condition. They are also great for relieving stress and other emotions that can make things worse.

Research published in the International Journal of MS Care has shown that meditation helps reduce fatigue and pain caused by neuropathy. In addition, it also helps improve the mental health of patients, who are prone to stress, anxiety and depression.

Meanwhile, a recent study published in the Annals of Neurosciences points out that yogic practices can be used as an adjunct to the management of neuropathic pain caused by damage to the bone marrow. Their careful practice can have a positive impact on pain management.

The recommendations for the practice of the two disciplines are similar, and indeed, they can be combined. Ideally, you should look for a quiet, comfortable space away from distractions. Additionally, if possible, this should be done with the help of a subject matter expert who can properly guide your practice.

Are there other natural therapies to soothe neuropathic pain?

Besides the natural therapies mentioned, other options can be considered in case of neuropathic pain. The most important thing is to understand that none of them replace medical treatment. In addition, they must be applied with the necessary caution. The options include:

  • Take hot water baths
  • Use topical capsaicin ointments
  • Ensure an optimal supply of vitamins, in particular of the B complex
  • Use essential oils through massage or aromatherapy
  • Avoid alcohol and tobacco consumption

If you are suffering from this condition, remember to undergo regular medical examinations. Only doctors and health specialists can indicate a complete treatment for this type of pain. Keep this in mind!

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