Oatmeal And Brewer’s Yeast Mask For Hair And Skin

In addition to having multiple benefits for all skin types, the oatmeal and brewer’s yeast mask is also very suitable for nourishing the hair.

Certain external factors such as weather or pollution, added to internal factors such as aging, bad habits and nutrition, have a big impact on our hair and skin.

We can, however, naturally prevent their deterioration and improve our appearance.

Discover below a simple mask based on oats and brewer’s yeast. It will bring hydration, shine and youth to your hair and face.

What do masks do for us?

Many people use skin toners and moisturizers on a daily basis. However, the latter often needs an extra dose of nutrients because it is regularly exposed to factors that damage it and cause it to age prematurely.

Masks are ideal for this. They provide a few minutes of relaxation during which we can rest and let the skin pores absorb the nutrients from the ingredients we apply.

Additionally, we can afford to use ingredients that we might not be able to include in our daily lotions.

It is therefore preferable to make our own masks, rather than to acquire them. They will be more natural, without additives, and specific to our skin type.

Some of the masks we present are designed for a certain skin type, others are recommended for everyone.

Natural ingredients

The advantage of using natural ingredients is that we avoid other components that could be harmful to health. For example, parabens, paraffins and other petroleum derivatives, etc.

Oatshair skin

Oats are an excellent cereal for health, but also for the skin, thanks to its mucilage content.

Its components have a soluble fiber with emollient properties. They moisturize and therefore protect the skin and hair and prevent their dehydration.

This virtue is very suitable for sensitive skin or acne.

In addition, oats contain many nutrients that revitalize the skin and hair. These include group B vitamins, vitamin E, and minerals such as zinc, iron, magnesium or calcium.

The texture of ground oats also allows for a gentle exfoliation of the skin to remove dead cells that accumulate in the top layer of the skin and make it look aged and dull.

Beer yeast

Brewer’s yeast is an excellent nutritional supplement for health and beauty, which nourishes us from the inside and out.

It is rich in B vitamins and minerals (iron, chromium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, zinc, selenium).

  • This supplement is ideal for removing impurities from the skin and preventing acne, thanks to its sulfur content, a powerful cleanser.
  • Additionally, selenium acts as a great antioxidant to prevent cell aging.

By consuming and applying brewer’s yeast, we get more shine and hydration. And, in the case of hair, we also help prevent hair loss and strengthen it from the roots.

Oatmeal and brewer’s yeast maskhair skin

This face mask is suitable for all skin types : oily, dry, combination, ripe, sensitive or acne.

Thanks to these two ingredients, very balancing, purifying and emollient, we will be able to regulate the sebum of the skin without drying it out or letting it shine.

It is also very suitable for all hair types, as it regulates sebum production and provides hydration, shine and smoothness from the first application.


To prepare this oatmeal and brewer’s yeast mask, we will need the following proportions:

  • 2 tablespoons of ground oats (20 g)
  • A tablespoon of brewer’s yeast powder (10 g)
  • A little water (the amount needed)

If we wish, we can add three drops of an essential oil of our choice (lavender, orange, mint, lemon, rose, cinnamon, etc.) to improve the relaxation and the virtues of the mask.

What should you do ?

  • We will first mix the ground oats and the brewer’s yeast, then we will add the water very little by little until a homogeneous dough is obtained.
  • The mask should not be too strong, as this will interfere with its application. It should not be very liquid either, as it will sink.


  • It is essential that when we apply this oatmeal and brewer’s yeast mask, we do it slowly, as relaxation also helps improve absorption.

Both the pulp and the skin of the potato fight hair loss and help us stimulate hair growth while providing shine.

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