7 Toxic Words You Should Stop Using

Although we find it hard to believe, toxic words affect not only the people we direct them to, but also ourselves.

In our daily life, we frequently use different toxic words that we should definitely eliminate from our vocabulary.

What we say, what we say, even if we don’t believe it, matters a great deal. Every word that comes out of our mouth is a reflection of what we are thinking.

For this reason, today we are going to make a compilation of some poisonous words that we should stop saying. They influence what we do, how we behave with others and, also, towards ourselves.

1. Weird

“How weird”, “it’s so weird” are several examples of sentences that say more than they should. This word reveals something that we usually don’t take into account: our prejudices.

Whenever we say someone is weird, we are asserting that we are normal. When we say that what a person is doing is weird, we mean that what we are doing comes from the usual standards.

But who determines this? We are all different, but we are more influenced by society than we think.

Let’s stop using that word and open our minds more. We all have qualities!

2. I need you

How? ‘Or’ What ? This verb is used more than we should between couples in an attempt to let each other know how special they are to us.

However, behind this word are hiding many statements that we should know: “without you I am nothing”, “you are everything to me”, “what would I do without you”, “I love you more than my life” …

In this case, another person’s need to be happy is addiction, not love. Nevertheless, we continue to confuse the need with this pure feeling.

3. Guilt

Guilt and toxic words.

“It’s your fault” is a phrase we use a lot that reflects the fear of having to take responsibility for our own actions.

It is one of the most ingrained toxic words, but one that we give the least importance to. And we tend to want to escape self-criticism, we want to be perfect!

If we make a mistake, let’s accept it. There is nothing wrong, everyone is wrong.

4. Ugly

As with the word “weird”, who determines what is ugly and what is not? Ah sure, the canons of beauty and the deceptive advertising full of digital retouching that shows bodies and faces free from imperfections.

If we open our minds and free them from all of these beliefs, we will realize that nothing is ugly. Everything has its share of beauty, traits that can make us fall in love or be indifferent to us.

However, even if something or someone doesn’t appeal to us, that doesn’t mean he’s ugly. Because, as you have certainly noticed by now, tastes are varied, right?

5. I can’t

I can't are poisonous words.

Are you sure you can’t? It is one of the most limiting and, unfortunately, one of the most limiting and often believed toxic words.

Everything is possible to the extent of our abilities. Only, sometimes, if we are not in a position between a rock and a hard place, we believe that we cannot achieve, do or overcome something.

We are stronger than we think. The expression “I can’t” is a negation that limits you. Change it to “I can”, even if that is difficult. You will see how things change, and your worldview too.

6. I hate

Hatred itself is a feeling that causes great harm not only to others, but also to those who feel it. It’s like a growing ulcer that hurts us inside.

However, this feeling is present in sentences such as “I hate my job”, “I hate my partner”, “I hate my situation”…

We may hate it all, but are we doing something to change this situation? No. Therefore, we harbor a grudge that we accept ourselves.

Hatred undermines us and fills us with bad feelings. We can break free from her right now. It is not worth continuing to keep it.

7. Failure

Failure is one of the toxic words to be banned.

Failure has always scared us and the pronunciation of this word terrifies us. However, sometimes we say “I failed”.

We have the false belief that failure is a terrible thing. However, it is an opportunity to improve, to make better decisions and, most importantly, to learn from what we have done.

There is nothing wrong with failure, on the contrary! Change that “I failed” to “I am a person who learns from every mistake I make”.

Do you use these toxic words in your daily life? Becoming aware of these words will allow you to stop using them but replace them with more positive words that will make your life change significantly.

Even if it seems contradictory, the permissions that must have the most value in our consciousness are the ones we give to ourselves. What others think should be secondary.

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