Sitting On The Floor: Advantages And Precautions

Did you know that sitting on the floor has advantages? If you do it right, it can benefit your health. We offer you some guidelines to follow for practice.

How much of your day do you spend sitting? Certainly a lot. Indeed, if we count all the times we are seated, it is difficult. The reality is that sitting in a chair comes with its risks and benefits. So what are the advantages of sitting on the floor?

Yep, some people sit on the floor. Likewise, there are cultures and countries in which this position is normal. However, there is a whole debate about posture these days. It is therefore important to break it down in order to better understand it.

Health Effects of Sitting in a Chair

Sitting has an impact on health. We actually use less energy than when we are moving. It is precisely for this reason that sitting for long periods of time is associated with diseases such as obesity, hypertension, diabetes and high cholesterol levels.

More studies are still needed, but the evidence shows that movement is necessary, even at low intensity. This reduces the risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease such as myocardial infarction or stroke.

Benefits of sitting on the floor

This posture is the subject of permanent debate. It may not be very comfortable at first, but its impact on the body is positive. Let’s see some of its advantages.

1. We are more active

Sitting on the floor or squatting makes the muscles more active. It prevents back pain. It is not the miracle cure for lower back problems, but it does help. On condition of respecting the straightness of the axis of the body.

A pregnant woman in a squatting position.

2. The body is designed to defecate in this position

Here is an assertion defended by some. Crouching allows for a better angle between the large intestine, rectum, and anus. This then facilitates the expulsion of stool because, in this position,  the sphincters and the pelvic floor are balanced.

3. A recommended position during the baby’s expulsion phase

Crouching down allows a larger opening for the baby to pass through. This posture is one of the most used in the animal world when giving birth. Indeed, the diameter of the basin expands more easily.

But that’s not all. The verticality of the position reduces the pushing forces thanks to gravity. In addition to promoting contractions, the squatting position promotes pressure of the fetus on the cervix, which contributes to a simpler and smoother birth. Another advantage is that soft tissue tears are reduced.

4. Improved posture and neck pain

Sitting on the floor relieves tension in the neck because this position maintains the elasticity and flexibility of the connective tissues. Unlike sitting in a chair that stiffens them.

Sitting on the floor: precautions

All is not positive. Sitting squatting or on the ground can have certain consequences that you should be aware of.

1. Kneel down

The kneeling position puts pressure on the knees and ankle joints. If you experience pain or numbness, try kneeling with one foot flat on the floor.

2. Sit on the floor: balance

Stability is less when we are on our knees. If you have trouble staying steady, hold onto a wall or piece of furniture and change positions if you are in pain.

3. How to sit cross-legged?

Sitting cross-legged can make problems  like lower back pain and poor posture worse. However, if you choose this position, do not bend over and keep the spine upright. Also, put the weight on your hips rather than your feet.

Positions for sitting on the floor

There are several positions to sit on the ground and test the benefits of this posture.

1. On your knees

While standing, pass one leg behind your body, putting the weight on the front leg. Slowly lower the back knee to the floor and keep your toes on the floor with the ankle flexed.

Then bring your shoulders back above your hips and lower your front knee to the floor. Then separate the knees shoulder width apart  and rest the buttocks on the heels.

2. Cross-legged position

Sit on the ground. Bend both knees then place one foot under the opposite knee. Shift the weight of the hips rather than the feet.

One way to reduce the pressure on the hips may be to sit  on the edge of a folded blanket or pillow.

3. Squatting position

This position can help relieve pain in the knee or ankle. Try to sit on the floor with both knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. The feet should be more apart than the width of the hips. Keep your stomach on your hips.

4. Squat position

Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Keeping your feet flat on the floor, lower your glutes slowly until they almost touch the floor. Keep your shoulders and chest straight.

A woman sitting on the ground meditating in a forest.

Are there any side effects of sitting on the floor?

As with everything, it is necessary to take precautions or to make the practice aware of the possible consequences of this position. In this posture, the weight of the body is centered on the lower limbs,  so there is pressure on the knees and ankles. In addition, this weight can decrease circulation in the lower limbs.

If you have any medical contraindications, such as hip, knee, and ankle problems, it is best not to sit on the floor. It could weaken your joints further. In addition, the difficulties in getting up are also to be taken into account.

Sitting on the floor can therefore be beneficial for your health if you know how to do it and if you make it a good habit to take care of your body.

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