Medicinal Herbs For Good Circulation In The Legs

Medicinal herbs, along with a healthy diet and regular exercise, are the ideal supplement to improve circulation in the legs.

Do you have heavy legs? At the end of the day, do you feel painful pressure, and you don’t know what to do about it? This is a common reality that affects a large part of the population. Here are some remedies to help you regain good circulation in the legs.

Cramps, tingling sensation, numbness: all of these symptoms are signs of poor circulation. To treat these ailments, you can resort to very simple natural remedies such as herbal remedies. Read on to find out more.

Healing infusions to improve circulation in the legs

Poor circulation of the legs.

We know that our health is affected if the blood does not flow properly to all the organs, systems and cells in our body. It is thanks to the blood circulation that minerals and vitamins, for example, nourish our bones, our hair, our nails, and then, the muscles and joints of our legs.

Circulation problems are caused by a poor lifestyle where the right diet and exercise are lacking. The genetic factor also plays an important role. So are hormonal changes, and even stress.

Our blood vessels lose their elasticity. Fat also tends to accumulate. This prevents the correct distribution of blood and causes that feeling of heaviness, swelling as well as the very common varicose veins.

Fortunately, with a little effort, exercise, and a good diet we can make a difference. Without a doubt, herbal remedies are an ideal supplement to achieve this goal. Do you want to know which infusions improve the circulation of the legs?

1. The dandelion

Dandelion is an excellent healing infusion. Have you already integrated it into your usual diet? If not, now is the time to do it!

Dandelion is rich in tannins. Indeed, it has calming and amazing properties to improve peripheral problems such as poor circulation in the legs. 

It is therefore advisable to drink one to two cups a day (at breakfast and in the afternoon).

To prepare this infusion, we first need to find this flower. You can buy ready-to-eat herbal teas from health food stores. All you have to do is boil water, then add a teaspoon of dandelion. Then let steep for five minutes.

Besides, you can also take relaxing baths using this plant. In the same way as before, prepare an infusion, and dip a towel in it. Then rub your legs.

2. Rosemary

Rosemary for the circulation of the legs.

This aromatic plant that we mainly use to enhance our meats and rice is also ideal for improving blood circulation, did you know that

You can use it to make tonic lotions and perform massages that relieve pain and the feeling of heaviness.

We recommend that you drink one rosemary infusion per day for breakfast. Boil two small branches of this plant, then let steep for ten minutes. Filter the drink, and add a little bee honey to sweeten it.

3. Horsetail (or ponytail)

This infusion is very easy to find. It is very fashionable, and has multiple health benefits. You can buy it in supermarkets, as well as in specialized natural products stores.

Indeed, this plant is ideal for reducing cholesterol, preventing hardening of the arteries, and promoting blood circulation.

You just need to drink a small cup of this infusion after the main meal.

Remember, the most important thing is to stay consistent, and drink it every day. Gradually, you will see that your legs will be much less heavy. The pressure will also have almost disappeared.

4. Hawthorn

Hawthorn for leg circulation.

It is considered the plant for the heart par excellence! It is ideal for treating heart problems and improving coronary circulation. 

You will find it in pharmacies, as well as in health food stores. She is known and very effective. Indeed, it improves circulation. And to regulate any arrhythmias you may suffer from such as tachycardia.

What are the recommendations? Drink your hawthorn infusion after your main meal. Boil a cup and add a spoonful of this plant to it. Then let steep for five minutes. Filter the contents, and drink slowly. She will make you feel great!

5. Olive leaves

Do you know this remedy? This is a very old technique for improving the circulation of the legs.

Olive leaves have a hypotensive effect thanks to their peripheral vasodilator and diuretic properties. They are generally used to lower blood pressure, prevent angina and heart arrhythmias.

If you combine it, for example, with hawthorn, you will get surprising results. You just need to boil two olive leaves in a cup of water. Then let it steep for five minutes, then add a spoon of honey. It’s a good grandmother’s remedy!

6. The ruscus (or little holly)

The ruscus for the circulation of the legs.

Do you know this plant? It is a well-known potent venous stimulant. You will find it in pharmacies or herbalists.

It is very effective, and is used especially to treat and prevent the appearance of varicose veins, hemorrhoids, heaviness of the legs, swelling of the legs and ankles. In short, the ruscus is wonderful!

To benefit from these effects, prepare the infusion based on dried ruscus. One spoonful is enough, then drink up to two cups a day.

You can also have baths with this plant. Be aware that you can find ruscus in pill or cream form. You can therefore do massages. Indeed, as we have said, it is ideal for relieving heaviness in the legs.

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