12 Good Reasons To Have Hydrogen Peroxide At Home

Hydrogen peroxide, or more commonly known as hydrogen peroxide, is a germicidal product considered to be the safest disinfectant.

This product has the ability to eliminate microorganisms through oxidation. In other words, it generates a controlled burning process.

Thanks to its properties, hydrogen peroxide can become one of the best allies for the household. But the best part, in addition to its price, is that it has no side effects like the chemicals that we buy in the market.

Before discovering the multiple uses of hydrogen peroxide for your interior, be sure to use the one with a concentration of 3%.

Get ready to discover 12 great reasons to always have hydrogen peroxide in your home.

Cutting boards and wooden tables

Kitchen boards and wooden tables are perfect places for the proliferation of quantities of germs like Salmonella, found in raw meats.

To disinfect them, it suffices to spray them well and wash them with hydrogen peroxide.

Fruits and vegetablesoxygenated water

The fruits and vegetables we buy today are covered in germs and pesticides that are harmful to our health. 

To get rid of it, simply mix ½ cup of hydrogen peroxide in a large container and then wash the fruits and vegetables with this mixture.

The refrigerator and the dishwasher

We often use the refrigerator and the dishwasher, handling food and utensils. They are both filled with hundreds of germs.

It is therefore advisable to put hydrogen peroxide in a spray and spray well the inside and outside of each machine. Leave to act for a few minutes and wipe off with a damp cloth.


Kitchen sponges hide thousands of bacteria that are left over from food. To clean and disinfect your sponges, mix hydrogen peroxide and hot water in the same amounts, and soak the sponges in them.

Launder clothes

Hydrogen peroxide is great for getting rid of stains on white clothes. The same goes for blood stains on carpets and clothing. So add a cup of hydrogen peroxide to your laundry detergent, or apply it directly to the fabric to remove a blood stain.

A rejuvenating and detoxifying bath

To take a rejuvenating, refreshing and detoxifying bath, mix two quarts of 3% hydrogen peroxide in a tub of hot water and soak in it for at least half an hour.

Yeast infection on the feet

Hydrogen peroxide is also ideal for combating yeast infection on the feet. To do this, mix 50/50 of peroxide and water and soak the feet in it every evening.


Hydrogen peroxide helps fight and eliminate yeast infections and skin infections. For this, it is recommended to soak the infection or wound for five minutes several times a day.


Dust mites can be found in the most unlikely places and without our realizing it they can be the reason for our poor health.  To get rid of it, mix 50/50 of hydrogen peroxide and water, and spray the area where the mites are found with a spray.


Our toothbrush can contain many germs which can affect our health. To clean it well, just soak it in hydrogen peroxide.

Dental pain

Hydrogen peroxide does not have analgesic properties to combat dental pain, but it does provide its anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties,  which have a very effective effect in the treatment to combat dental pain . infection.

Hair color lighteningoxygenated water

If you want to have lighter hair, dilute 3% hydrogen peroxide in water (50/50) and apply the mixture to your hair using a spray, before washing it.

The hair will appear more natural, although it should be noted that the change is not drastic

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