5 Reasons To Eat Leeks For Dinner

We invite you here to discover the benefits of leeks so that you no longer hesitate to include them in your evening meals!

If you never eat leeks at night, now is the time to take the plunge. They are light, they are used in many recipes, they are satiating and particularly nutritious.

If you are one of those people who wants to eat light in the evening so as not to gain weight, here is an option you should like. However, keep in mind to always have varied and balanced dinners. Include all the nutrients you need to end the day well.

Don’t settle for a bowl of cereal with milk. Our bodies must be prepared for important detoxification tasks overnight, and while we should not overload them, it is important to feed them well. You must choose very specific foods to facilitate the work of your body, while allowing it to rest well.

Now is the time to discover the top five benefits of leeks!

1. Eat leeks in the evening helps to lose weight

Tips for losing weight after the holidays

If you want to make light but nutritious dinners, leek is a great option that you shouldn’t overlook.

  • Leeks are mostly water, low in calories and high in fiber. In 100 grams of leek, there are 83 grams of water, 1 gram of protein and 2 grams of dietary fiber.
  • Leeks provide us with excellent nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin K and essential minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium and manganese.

If you combine this vegetable with protein and other light products, you will succeed in reaching your ideal weight.

2. Leek takes care of your digestion and your sleep

Here is a very interesting fact: leek is one of the foods that contains the most probiotics, good bacteria that allow us to better absorb nutrients.

In addition, these bacteria take care of our intestinal flora and stimulate the secretion of bile, which has the effect of improving our digestion.

The leek will therefore allow you to sleep well, without suffering from gas, bloating or a feeling of heaviness.

3. Leek fights infections

What does the flavor of leek make you think of? Has a mixture between garlic and onion. It’s sweeter, but it has a little sulphurous taste that reminds us of these exceptional medicinal foods.

It is not at all a coincidence. Leek has antibacterial properties and while it is not as potent as garlic, both of these foods contain alliinase.

If you get used to eating leeks for dinner, your health will notice it right away. They will allow you to fight the bacteria that affect our gastrointestinal tract.

4. Leeks help fight water retention

Water retention

Dinners are important meals. We don’t always give them the place they deserve and sometimes we just eat anything.

Eating high calorie foods or dishes rich in sauce is a bad habit: the next morning, you will get up feeling very heavy.
Water retention is directly related to our lifestyle, and it is therefore necessary to change it if we suffer from it.

Leeks are ideal for combating this condition, thanks to their potassium and sodium content. In addition, their high fiber content will allow us to purify toxins very easily.

This vegetable is also excellent for treating excess uric acid. Consuming it at dinner will allow your body to carry out all the detoxification tasks it needs to do overnight, in the most optimal way possible.

5. Leek to strengthen your immune system

Leeks are a source of vitamin A. Also known as retinol, it is a fat-soluble vitamin that is involved in the formation and protection of our cells. It therefore takes care of our entire immune system.

Vitamin K, vitamin C and manganese also help us strengthen our white blood cells. We therefore strongly recommend that you include leek in your dinners, in order to reduce the homocysteine in the blood. This element makes us much more vulnerable to heart disease and stroke.

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