Stretching Or Muscle Building?

There are many circumstances when a muscle needs to be strengthened rather than stretched. The decision will be made based on what you feel will be most beneficial to you at any given time.

Stretching and muscle building are techniques widely used in the rehabilitation of various ailments. However, how do you know when to stretch or strengthen your muscles? Which shape offers the greatest benefits? Is it better for you to stretch your muscles or start lifting weights? We explain everything in the rest of this article.

Muscle stretching

Stretching is a widely used technique that, in theory, helps reduce muscle pain and increase joint flexibility. However, stretching alone has not been shown to produce these effects, neither in the short term, nor in stretching regimens of up to 7 consecutive months.

Experts believe that the increase in flexibility is actually due to an increased tolerance of the feeling of stretching, not the lengthening of the muscle. However, there are people who find it very good to stretch, whether statically or dynamically. If you are one of those people, primarily consider the following:

When to stretch

  • If you have a feeling of tension or compression in a joint
  • If you spend a lot of time in the same position (standing or on a chair, for example)

When should you avoid stretching?

A woman with back pain who needed to do some muscle building

Before you exercise

Static stretching before any physical activity decreases the strength that the muscle is able to exert. This is called “stretch-induced loss of strength” . It is not permanent, but it can decrease your performance and predispose you to injury. It is best to do muscle stretches after exercise.

If that’s all you’re doing to prevent injury

Stretching, as a sole method, has not been shown to be effective in reducing the incidence of musculoskeletal injury. However, when combined with an individualized exercise program, it can be beneficial in some cases.

If that’s all you’re doing to treat muscle contractures

As in the previous point , stretching alone has not been shown to be an effective treatment for people with muscle contractures or mobility problems.

In people with and without neurological disorders, evidence suggests that muscle stretching does not significantly reduce pain or improve quality of life in the short term. These results have also been seen in studies where stretching diets were performed for a period of up to 7 consecutive months.

Muscle building

Building muscle doesn’t mean going to the gym. If you lift heavy weights, but pull on your back if you bend over, you’re doing more harm than good. Building muscles is a process that should help your body to be able to move on a daily basis.

Remember we have bodies that are designed to move, run, carry things, etc. but who live in a sedentary society (we no longer hunt our food, for example).

Thus, as movement is no longer part of our daily life, we must consciously introduce it. Whether it’s going to the gym, establishing a routine at home, doing small exercises throughout the day, or whatever works best for our routine.

When to do muscle building

For the same reasons you would stretch:

  • If you have a feeling of tension or compression in a joint
  • If you spend a lot of time in the same position (standing or on a chair, for example)

But also for other reasons, for example if you:

  • Have done stretching to treat your symptoms and your symptoms do not improve, or if they improve and then get worse
  • You get tired going up the stairs
  • You are recovering from an injury
  • Are pregnant or postpartum
  • Are an elderly person

Whatever the reason, seek the advice of a personal trainer or healthcare professional with knowledge in the area, especially if you are:

  • A beginner
  • Miner
  • Pregnant
  • An old person

When should you avoid training?

After acute trauma. You should not train the fractured limb until the bone has healed. After a traffic accident, be sure to get the green light from your doctor and physiotherapist before you exercise.

You should also avoid this if you have symptoms of overtraining, such as any of the following:

  • Significant decrease in sports performance, at work or in your daily life
  • Excessive fatigue
  • Sudden mood swings
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Insomnia or lack of sleep
  • Loss of appetite
  • Muscle pain that does not decrease
  • Sudden changes in the menstrual cycle

Stretching or muscle building: who wins?

There are many circumstances when a muscle needs to be strengthened rather than stretched. The decision will be made based on what you feel is most beneficial at the time.

If you’re wondering where to start, some studies show that no matter what you choose, stretching or strengthening always trumps a sedentary life … So start!

And don’t forget that instead of deciding which exercise to do, which gym to register in, or which clothes to buy for training, it is more important to:

  • Warm up well before strengthening or stretching
  • Eat well
  • Get enough rest
  • Have good sleep hygiene
  • Drink enough water

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