30 Minutes Of Walking In The Morning: What Are The Health Benefits?

Walking thirty minutes a day can help us prevent illnesses, both physical and mental. It is very important to stretch well before and after exercising to avoid cramps and injuries.

There are several ways to losing weight and have a healthy life. Sport is one of them, especially walking.
However, it should be borne in mind that the exercises should be performed regularly.
It is therefore advisable to have at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week. To avoid multiple illnesses like hypertension, embolism and also depression, it is therefore recommended to walk for 30 minutes every morning.

There is a way to walk

Before starting to walk, it is important to warm up. It is also necessary to stretch after physical exertion so that the body does not cool down.

To stretch properly, you must:

  • Avoid jumping
  • Do not go beyond the capacities of your body
  • Adopt regular breathing
  • Make slow movements

To walk properly for 30 minutes a day, the following recommendations should be taken into account. This allows you to avoid lesions. The exercises will also have better effects:

  • When walking, the toes should be stretched forward.
  • With each step, the heel must first touch the ground. The body weight does the rest of the work.
  • The arms should also move naturally and continuously.
  • The shoulders should be slightly back and the chin high enough that you cannot see the ground.



Regular morning walking for 30 minutes has as many benefits as running. This type of exercise helps lower the risk of developing diabetes, depression, certain cancers, and fights high blood pressure and cholesterol.

American Heart Association spokesperson Dr. Gregg Fonarow says physical activity lowers the risk of premature death, helps fight heart disease and keeps us healthy.

A study has confirmed that walking and running can reduce heart disease.

Among the results of this study, we can find the list of health benefits:

  • Walking would reduce cholesterol by 7% and running by 4.3%
  • The risk of contracting heart disease would reduce by 9.3% with walking, when running, by 4.5%
  • Walking would reduce hypertension by 7.2% and running by 4.2%
  • Walking would reduce the risk of having diabetes by 12.3% and running by 12.1%

These findings show a similar benefit when energy expenditure is similar, regardless of intensity… However, for those who are able to put in more substantial effort, their strategy could pay off in the long run.” said Dr Gregg Fonarow.

However, the results of the study showed that while the goal was to lose weight, running was more effective than walking.

effect of walking on the heart

Precautions to be taken

Before doing any physical activity, make sure that neither your health nor your safety is in danger. It is thus necessary to take into account the place, the time and various other parameters.

It is therefore advisable not to wear jewelry, not only for convenience but also because it attracts the eye of thieves.

In addition, if you are walking in a dimly lit area, such as at nightfall, always try to wear colorful clothing or a vest that reflects the light.

In addition, walking with a group is always better to increase safety. It is also preferable to always carry a means of communication with you in the event of a problem and an identity card.

Showing your loved ones the path you are going to take and the approximate time you are going to take is also recommended.

Also be careful not to disperse and to remain attentive to what is happening around you. If you are using headphones, therefore, set the sound low enough to be able to hear the noises around you, especially cars.

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