Causes Of Pain And Itchy Breasts

It is essential to know the origin of itchy breasts. This may be due to unimportant issues, such as an inadequate bra being worn. But it can also be the signal for the onset of more serious pathologies.

The breasts are very delicate and at the slightest discomfort, they can react very quickly. Itchy or sore breasts are very common symptoms, which can be caused by a variety of factors.

However, regardless of the possible cause of these discomforts, it is important to see a doctor. The latter will be able to carry out a reliable diagnosis and deal with any serious problem as quickly as possible.

Pain or itching in the breasts may be mild. They can also turn into something more serious.

It is therefore very important to be aware of the possible causes of this problem, to examine your breasts regularly and to consult a doctor if in doubt.

Potential causes of breast pain

Pain in the breasts may appear just before, or during the menstrual period. It is the response to the hormonal changes that occur during this cycle.

In this case, it may be helpful to relax the breasts with a massage. You can do this by using evening primrose, pepper tree, angelica, apple scab or sage oil.

Another potential reason for the pain and itching in the breasts can be the inflammation called mastitis. It occurs at the time of breastfeeding.

This problem is caused by the inflammation of the breast tissue. It is accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, or fatigue.

In this case, the usual treatment is antibiotics. The discomfort can also be treated in a natural way, with an infusion of thyme, which must be applied directly to the affected area.

Finally, one of the other possible reasons for breast pain can be inflammatory breast cancer.

This type of cancer is not very common. When it does occur, it usually causes itching, inflammation, and pain. You may also notice redness in the breast, which fills with lymphatic fluid.

The diagnosis of this pathology can only be carried out by a professional. The latter is also the only one authorized to prescribe treatment. 

Potential causes of itchy breasts

Itching in the breasts is common. They can be allergic reactions to different types of chemicals. Among the latter, we consider detergents, perfumes, deodorants, or chemical agents derived from products that have come into contact with the skin.

It is therefore very important to take into account the type of products you apply to your skin, as they can cause painful allergic reactions. 

Lack of hydration in the skin of the breasts can also cause itching.  It is essential to nourish this part of the skin by using, for example, vegetable oils, a moisturizer, or shea butter.

Itchy breasts are also one of the first symptoms of pregnancy. They are then often accompanied by a slight pain. The latter is caused by increased blood flow in the breast, and especially in the nipple area.

This symptom decreases as the body assimilates this change. In the meantime, you can treat this problem with applications of compresses soaked in calendula infusion.

If the pain only appears in part, or in one of the two breasts, the cause could be in the mammary gland, and the tissues connected to it.


It is very important to take into account all the other symptoms that appear with the itching. They can be pain, tumors or nodules, changes in the shape of the breast, or secretion of fluid from the nipple.

All of this could indicate a breast infection, fibroadenoma, benign cysts, or even a breast tumor.

Finally, the itchy rash in the breasts may simply be due to too tight a bra, or unsuitable skin tissue.

If your breasts are itchy, and you’ve ruled out all the possibilities already mentioned, try looking for the solution to this problem with the underwear you are wearing.

Treatment of pain and itchy breasts

Treatment for pain and itching of the breasts varies depending on the cause that causes these disorders.

If the problem is with the skin itself, hydration will be enough to reduce symptoms. On the other hand, if the problem is due to an infection, or a more serious problem, it is important to see a doctor. You will then have to follow the prescribed treatment and undergo further medical examinations.

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