How To Get Rid Of Freckles In A Totally Natural Way

Beyond resorting to different natural remedies to remove freckles, it is also essential to avoid getting too much sun, as this promotes their appearance.

Many people want to remove freckles from their face or body. This is because they do not like the look they give to the skin.

Although they can be adorable during childhood, too many freckles in adulthood can complicate some. Especially when they are in the sun.

In this article, therefore, we offer a natural treatment to remove freckles. You will be able to eliminate them gradually and without side effects on the skin, with the help of certain home remedies.

What are freckles?

Freckles are spots of melanin, varying in shades of brown, that appear on the skin when exposed to sunlight.

The more we tan, the more freckles appear and then get bigger and darker depending on the light and sun our skin receives.

In general, skin with freckles tends to be more delicate. They therefore require specific care. Therefore, if we want to remove freckles, we must always do it in a natural way and with common sense.

Can you remove freckles?

It is not always possible to eliminate freckles because they can come from genetic factors or can be related to the functioning of our organism.

However, if we follow these steps, we will be able to mitigate them, and in some cases eliminate them and prevent them from developing.

1. Choose a natural scrub

scrub to remove freckles

The first step is to perform an exfoliation once a week with one of these ingredients:

  • Sodium bicarbonate
  • Sugar
  • Salt
  • coffee grounds
  • Inner skin of pineapple

Either of these options is adequate for removing dead cells that build up on the top layer of the skin and prevent it from regenerating.

However, if it is the skin of the face, we should always do it gently, mixing the exfoliant with aloe vera gel or vegetable oil.

The internal skin of the pineapple, although it does not scrape our skin, allows us to exfoliate thanks to its enzymes.

2. Try the lemon and strawberry ice cubes

To get rid of freckles, we will prepare an ancient and homemade remedy with two stain remover ingredients: strawberry and lemon.


  • Fresh strawberries
  • Lemon juice

How to make these ice cubes?

  • We will crush or mix fresh strawberries until a smooth cream is obtained.
  • Then add the lemon juice until the cream is covered and mix well.
  • We will pour this preparation into an ice cube tray so that the individual rations are all ready each time we want to use them.

How should we apply these ice cubes?

  • Using this remedy is as easy as taking one of those ice cubes from the freezer and massaging your face or freckled area for a few minutes.
  • Let the fruit ice cube melt on the skin for about ten minutes until it melts.
  • Then we will wash and hydrate our skin well.

3. Promote skin regeneration

skin regeneration to remove freckles

Once we exfoliate the skin and use natural remedies to remove freckles, we should improve the regeneration of skin cells.

The best remedy to achieve this is the combination of these two natural ingredients:

  • Maple oil: promotes regeneration and healing of the skin and prevents wrinkles.
  • Aloe vera: soothes, heals, hydrates and regenerates the skin.

We can make a homemade lotion with these two ingredients and keep it in the fridge for a few days.

4. Watch out for the sun

If we follow all of these tips but continue to expose ourselves excessively to the sun, it will be very difficult to get rid of freckles permanently.

However, tanning is also beneficial for vitamin D and for overall health. We therefore recommend doing it 10 minutes a day, either in the morning or in the late afternoon.

5. A surprising relationship

According to traditional Chinese medicine, freckles, which are very common especially in childhood, are linked to an excess of carbohydrates. This is in particular the case with monosaccharides and disaccharides.

These include white sugar, honey, lactose, and fructose. In fact, the spots for some people gradually disappear over time, which could also confirm this relationship with food.

In this sense, to eliminate freckles, we must take into account the presence of sugar, honey, milk and fruits in our diet.

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