Why Should You Avoid Refined Flours? Discover Their 7 Negative Effects

By having eliminated their intake of fiber and essential nutrients in the refining process, the consumption of these flours can cause inflammation and episodes of constipation and indigestion.

The consumption of refined flours is very common around the world and, despite warnings about their negative effects, many people continue to include them in their diet on a daily basis.

Although it is a product that has been part of the human diet for hundreds of years, it is now known that the processes to which they are subjected significantly reduce their nutritional quality.

The most worrying thing is that their consumption seems inevitable, because it is one of the main ingredients of dozens of products sold on the market.

This is why it is essential to know the reactions they cause on the body and why it is necessary to limit their consumption as much as possible.

Discover them!

  1. Refined flours cause an acid-alkaline imbalance

The habitual consumption of refined flours leads to negative effects on the body’s pH. Indeed, they alter the acid-alkaline balance which regulates various functions of the body.

A healthy organism has a pH of 7.4. But after consuming this type of food, the acidity level increases alarmingly.

  • As a result, the body has difficulty maintaining the correct levels of calcium. This is the reason why bone health is compromised.
  • In addition, they also have a negative impact on the immune system and metabolic health.

2. They raise blood sugar levels

Contrary to what many people may think, consuming refined sugar is not the only cause of high blood glucose levels.

  • The carbohydrates contained in white flours strongly influence the development of this problem.
  • Amylopectin, one of its carbohydrates, easily converts into sugar in the blood and thus increases the risk of diabetes.

3. Refined flours make us gain weight

woman weighing herself

Consuming a lot of foods made from refined flour is one of the main obstacles in the way of people wanting to lose weight.

A small serving per week is not that much of a risk, but eating it every day affects metabolic functions that help fight excess weight.

  • This is explained by their high content of carbohydrates which, in addition to increasing glucose levels, increases the tendency to accumulate fat.
  • In addition to this, their consumption generates anxiety and thus creates the desire to continue to eat them in large quantities.

4. They affect gut health

Unlike whole-grain flours, refined ones lack fiber and essential nutrients that guarantee optimal digestion.

As 80% of dietary fibers disappear, their consumption affects the inflammatory processes of the body while interfering in the breakdown of food.

  • As a result, the microbial flora of the intestine is altered and episodes of chronic constipation and indigestion increase.

5. They cause inflammation

refined flour and its effects on the body

People diagnosed with inflammatory diseases should avoid consuming these foods as much as possible, as their refined components increase the levels of tissue inflammation.

  • This is due to imbalances caused by glucose in the blood. In turn, it affects the functions that transform proteins into a source of energy.
  • Their consumption causes a chemical reaction known as glycation. That is, an inflammatory process linked to chronic diseases like arthritis and heart problems.

6. Increase the risk of suffering from allergies and intolerances

Wheat is one of the main triggers of food allergies and intolerances because of its high gluten content.

This protein is present in many grains. It is difficult for the body to digest and can cause an inflammatory response that affects many aspects of health.

7. Refined flours cause depression

The carbohydrates in these foods have been reported to cause negative effects on emotional health.

This hard-to-digest nutrient alters brain chemistry and increases feelings of chronic fatigue and sleeplessness.

If we can think that it is energetic, it actually affects the physical and mental state and decreases our productivity.

How often do you eat this food? If you’ve just found out that you use it very often, start limiting its consumption.

Try to avoid products that contain it and replace them with healthier alternatives.

Although we are used to using these flours in recipes, there are actually many great options that allow us to enjoy without putting health at risk.

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