5 Predators That Are Around You That You Should Know About

Even though emotional predators wish to neutralize us and destroy our dreams, only we are able to know how far we can go and get. No one else can put limits on us.

Predators have a very concrete role in the ecosystem: to maintain a certain balance.

Now, if we move out of the wilderness and focus on our day-to-day environments,  then other types of predators emerge, with more dangerous profiles.

Instead of maintaining the natural balance, they undermine it.

We are talking, for example, of those people who alter the harmony of a home, of a work environment, of life in general.

There are many types of predators. But, there is something we need to be aware of: it is not just friends around us.

In our inner being, there are also powerful predators that alter our capacity for personal growth.

Today in this article we want to tell you about it.

1. Predators that undermine our emotional balance

One of the maximum aspirations that we have throughout our life cycle is to be able to acquire, sooner or later, good emotional capacities.

  • Here we are referring to the ability to make decisions and be responsible for their consequences. To be able to decide, without being dominated or influenced by others.
  • Dimensions like self-esteem, assertiveness and resilience form this aspiration that brings us so much dignity.

Now, in our surroundings, there are also real emotional predators who hinder all these aspirations:

  • These are people who love to exercise their power over us.
  • They are skilled in emotional manipulation, they are the most destructive architects of lies, contempt and irony.

What is more complex is that we often create very intimate emotional bonds with these types of predators.

2. Those who keep you locked inside your comfort zone

The predators blocking you.

We all find a relative balance within our comfort zone. Nothing escapes our control, there are no risks, there is no fear and everything is known.

  • However, nothing new arises in these spaces where routine can, little by little, extinguish our well-being, our ability to be free, creative and more mature.
  • Believe it or not, one of the most voracious predators is the one that dwells in our mind: it’s fear.
  • He is the one who puts barbed wire to our happiness, the one who abandons us in everyday life because he whispers in our ears that “the different or the unforeseen are bad and dangerous”.

3. Predators who tell you “you don’t know”, “you don’t deserve it”

Has this ever happened to you? Someone, at one point, said this to you: “stop believing it, you are not prepared for this”, “Don’t trust this person, it’s too much for you…”

  • Know that no one has the ability to guess the future, and even less to doubt you.
  • Anyone who likes to put limits on your opportunities and aspirations, wants to bring you down, under his yoke, and further prevent you from being more courageous than him, more worthy and more able to achieve your dreams.
  • The limits of your life must be set by yourself. Leave aside these predators of opportunity, these dream destroyers who only want to relegate you to the ranks of misfortune and failure.

4. The predator who always makes you make the same mistakes

Why do I always fall in love with the less appropriate people? Why do they always end up betraying me the same way? And why do I fail in the same projects every time?

If these questions speak to you, it is very possible that you too live with this famous predator. The one that forces you to make the same mistakes over and over again.

What is this due to?

  • The cause, almost always, is in the fact of not thinking about these famous mistakes.
    Thinking deeply about what caused them, and what mechanisms we should use to keep them from happening again is essential.
  • As we move forward in life disappointments and setbacks become the norm.
  • Before attaching yourself to the same stone, you have to learn to recognize it. Understanding where our limits lie, what works for us and what we should avoid.

5. Predators disguised as lambs

Predators disguised as lambs are the ones who say they respect, love and appreciate us.

  • They are the ones who use this double-edged tenderness to profit, to maintain a selfish relationship or a self-serving friendship.
  • We have all known people with this type of behavior. They are always pleasant, and even sometimes they are great seducers, skillful in communication but false in their feelings.

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