10 Foods You Shouldn’t Eat Before Going To Bed

Although they may seem like harmless choices, certain foods can make it difficult to rest and even slow down digestion and make us take weight if we consume them at night.

Sometimes we experience a slight feeling of hunger before going to bed. Although we have had a light dinner in the previous hours, it is normal to experience other cravings before going to bed.

The problem is, we don’t know how to make good choices and end up packing too heavy a load for this time of day.

As a result, we may experience digestive discomfort and other ailments that prevent us from getting a full and restful period of rest.

Added to this, we interfere with the activity of the metabolic system and in one way or another contribute to overweight and chronic diseases.

For this reason, it is essential to adopt healthy eating habits and above all, to limit the consumption of these 10 foods which can be harmful during this period.

Discover them!

1. Don’t eat butter

Butter before going to bed.

Butter can be used in addition to many preparations. However, due to its high content of saturated fat, it is not recommended to take it before sleeping.

  • Although in general its consumption is moderate, it is best to avoid it at night, as it can cause digestive difficulties.

2. Chocolate bars

Many may think it harmless to eat a small bar of chocolate at this time of day. The problem is that its high content of refined sugars and chemical additives can affect the quality of sleep.

  • Some of its compounds stimulate the activity of the nervous system and put the brain in a state of wakefulness which prevents sleep. In fact, it is said that they can increase the chances of suffering from nightmares.

3. Ice cream

Ice cream before going to bed.

It’s a bad idea to calm your nighttime cravings with a scoop of ice cream. This food concentrates high doses of fats, sugars and added compounds that modify the metabolism and the activity of the nervous system.

  • When consuming it, digestion becomes sluggish and discomforts such as pain and inflammation may appear.

4. Spicy sauces

Spicy sauces give a touch of flavor to many preparations. Despite this, they should not be taken at night, as they affect the production of acidic juices in the stomach.

Consuming them before going to bed can produce episodes of acid reflux and abdominal burning. In addition, they contain too many calories and can influence overweight.

5. Grilled meats

Grilling before going to bed.

They always look fresh and appetizing. The problem is, they are full of fats and chemicals, not all of which are good for the body.

In general, it is essential to limit your consumption as much as possible so as not to have problems with being overweight. When consumed at night, they are heavy on the metabolism and digestion.

6. Cheeses

The downside to eating cheese before going to sleep is that it contains an amino acid, known as tyramine, which decreases the production of hormones that regulate sleep.

  • Either on its own or added to recipes, it’s a heavy, high-fat food that can cause inflammatory imbalances and upset stomach.

7. Bread

Bread before going to bed.

Bread and other baked goods seem like a quick option to fight hunger pangs. However, they shouldn’t be taken before sleeping, as they are an additional burden of unnecessary calories.

  • Its content of refined flour and sugars has a negative impact on the health of the metabolism and increases the risk of overweight and blood sugar problems.

8. Chocolate

Eating a small serving of chocolate a day has many benefits. This food is full of antioxidants and essential amino acids that promote physical and mental well-being.

  • However, it is not recommended to eat it at night, because its ingredients also contain stimulating substances that prevent good sleep.

9. Red meats

Red meat before going to bed.

Red meats contain proteins and saturated fats that interfere with the work of the digestive system during the period of rest.

  • Although their nutrients are beneficial when consumed in moderation, it is best to avoid them at night. In order not to suffer from sleep interruptions.

10. Coffee before going to bed

Coffee and other caffeinated drinks should be avoided at this time of day. Although in small doses, they provide a feeling of well-being, they also put the brain on alert.

  • This means that, once assimilated, they will keep the body awake, at least for several hours.

Do you want something before going to bed? You already know that you shouldn’t choose any of the previously mentioned ingredients. Instead, go for a snack or drink that will help you fall asleep.

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