Get Rid Of Bad Habits

Food reheated in the microwave can cause imbalances in our endocrine system, and due to the accumulated waves we are at risk of developing different types of cancer. Prefer the traditional oven.

Some popular beliefs in our society have been around for a long time. These make us believe that certain habits are good for your health. But these are actually bad habits.

Indeed, they are creations of advertising and marketing. In this article, we will explain to you what are these habits that are falsely beneficial so that you can identify them and thus remove them from your daily life.

Flavored waters are among the bad habits

When you go to a restaurant, you think it’s healthier to order flavored water rather than soda. This is not entirely true.

These drinks contain sugar, additives, and other ingredients that are not good for our health. There is nothing better than plain water or homemade natural juices.

Granola makes you fat

You’ve probably eaten a granola bar and thought it was healthy. Indeed, these bars contain seeds. However, they also contain a healthy dose of sugar and sometimes chocolate.

However, they are useful because they offer an instant dose of calories, which is why they are consumed by bodybuilders and high level athletes.

The same goes for protein bars sold in the gym. Prefer a healthy, homemade snack, which provides you with proteins, minerals and fibers.

Vitamin supplements have no positive effects

Consuming vitamins in the form of medicine has no positive effects on your body. In addition, these vitamins tend to stay in your heart.

There are strong links between these supplements and heart disease and even cancer. They do not allow the metabolism to take advantage of the vitamins that come from food (which it is supposed to do) ie, from natural sources.

overuse of drugs among bad habits.

Beer contains a lot of calories

Many people start drinking beers to stop consuming other stronger, higher calorie drinks.

However, beer contains barley and alcohol, which is  not a good combination if you are on a diet or want to lose weight.

Fish fat is not bad for you

Unlike red beef or pork, and even chicken meat, fish provides healthy fat. You’ve probably already heard of omega 3 fatty acids.

Do not remove fat from salmon, for example, as you would lose a large amount of nutrients that improve your intellectual capacity and lower your risk of chronic disease.

Skipping meals is one of the bad habits

Many people believe that skipping breakfast and lunch helps with weight loss. However, this is counterproductive for many reasons.

First of all because at lunchtime, you will be more hungry. You will eat with more anxiety, which also means that you will eat more and without choosing your foods well.

Also, the body will draw on its fat reserves to ensure daily tasks. You might think this is good, but it is the same as wanting to drive a car forward with a spoon of butter.

Do not drink bottled (plastic) water

You have already read several times that it is necessary to drink two liters of water a day. You then decided to buy a bottle of water to take to the office.

This is a very common mistake. The water you drink from this container has come into contact with bacteria and viruses from the bottle.

In addition, plastic releases toxic substances that remain in the water.  As if that were not enough, fungi and mold form on the walls of the bottle.

It is best to drink from a glass and use a purifier. Otherwise, go for a glass bottle.

Drinking water is a good habit.

Don’t skip the dessert

If you’re in the mood for a serving of strawberry pie with cream, don’t go without. Do you know why ? Because accumulating frustrations will make you want to eat more. And once in front of the pie, you will eat it whole!

It is best not to get anxious about eating something. So take a small portion rather than trying to hold back and end up eating the whole dish. This also applies to salty foods.

Diet sodas among bad habits

Like flavored waters and supermarket juices, diet sodas are full of ingredients that aren’t good for your health, like sweetener.

Studies show that these products can cause the same inconveniences, or even more serious problems, as so-called “normal” drinks. Always go for a healthy alternative.

Do not reheat your dishes in the microwave

No one can dispute that this is an invention that has simplified the lives of household fairies and bachelors who cannot cook. But at what cost ?

The waves from this appliance are really bad for your health and can lead to cancer, or imbalances in your endocrine system.

It is worse when you use it to reheat ready-made and frozen foods from the supermarket.

Do not reheat dishes using the original plastic wrappers. The ideal is to reheat the dishes in a traditional oven.

It will take you longer. But there is no doubt: the quality of your food will be superior and it will not be toxic.

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