8 Home Remedies For Colitis

Banana in yogurt is a highly recommended remedy for ulcerative colitis because it promotes recovery. In addition, the probiotics contained in plain yogurt will help restore the intestinal flora.

Colitis is an irritation or inflammation of the large intestine (also known as the colon) that occurs because of an infection caused by a virus, parasite, or food poisoning.

It can also be the consequence of reduced blood circulation, inflammatory disorders and radiation, affecting the large intestine.

Depending on its cause, colitis falls into two broad categories:

  • Acute colitis: it is short-lived because once the infection that causes it is treated, it goes away quickly.
  • Chronic colitis: it is more severe and requires significant care. Its main causes are ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.

It is therefore very important to receive a relevant diagnosis, to be prescribed a treatment adapted to the seriousness of the problem.

In the event of any doubt, do not hesitate to consult your doctor.

What are the symptoms of colitis?

When a person suffers from colitis, regardless of the degree of severity, they may experience the following symptoms:

  • Abdominal pain and swelling
  • Stools with blood
  • Chills
  • Dehydration
  • Diarrhea
  • Fever
  • Flatulence and bowel sounds
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Chronic fatigue

Natural treatments for colitis

If you are suffering from acute colitis, most of the symptoms can be controlled with the help of a few natural remedies.

We are going to share with you 8 remedies to deal with this problem, which absolutely will not cause side effects.

Flax watercolitis

Flaxseeds, or flaxseeds, are foods rich in fiber, omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals,  which help in good bowel function and in the recovery of the colon affected by colitis.

How to prepare this remedy?

  • Soak a spoonful of flax seeds in a glass of water for at least 12 hours. Filter and drink only the water.

The aloe vera

Aloe vera is a plant that has an important anti-inflammatory action, which helps restore the lining of the colon, to ensure the proper functioning of this organ.

However, this plant has a laxative effect. It is therefore not recommended to consume it if the colitis causes diarrhea.

How to prepare this remedy?

  • Extract the gel from the aloe vera, then drink two tablespoons each morning on an empty stomach.
    You can also prepare this gel in the form of juice, mixing it with half a glass of water and a spoonful of honey.

The bananacolitis

Bananas are ideal for all cases of ulcerative colitis, as they have a mild laxative effect, they are very easy to digest, and they speed up the healing process.

How to prepare this remedy?

  • Eat one to two bananas per day, preferably by mixing them with plain yogurt, a food whose probiotic content will allow you to restore your intestinal flora.

Chamomile tea

This infusion is an ideal remedy to relieve colitis, because it has an important anti-inflammatory action, which helps reduce inflammation of the colon.

How to prepare this remedy?

  • Boil the equivalent of a cup of water, then add two tablespoons of chamomile flowers, before leaving to stand for 10 minutes. Filter and drink three cups of this infusion per day.

The carrot

Carrot has anti-inflammatory action which makes it one of the best remedies for colitis relief.

How to prepare this remedy?

  • Put the carrots in an extractor to obtain their juice, or mix them with half a glass of water to obtain a slightly thicker mixture.

Apple and papayacolitis

These two fruits provide a significant amount of fiber, an essential nutrient for good digestion.

Additionally, papaya contains papain, an enzyme that helps improve the health of the entire large intestine.

How to prepare this remedy?

  • Prepare a smoothie with a large slice of papaya, lemon juice and a glass of pure apple juice.
    The ideal is to drink this mixture immediately after preparation, so that it does not lose all of its properties.

Licorice root

This plant has antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties which help improve the gastric mucosa and reduce inflammation of the colon.

Its regular consumption helps prevent abdominal inflammation and cramps, as well as improve digestive health in general.

How to prepare this remedy?

  • In a cup of hot water, pour a spoonful of licorice root. Drink this infusion twice a day.

Coconut watercolitis

It has been proven that coconut water, in addition to being ideal for cooling off, also provides many nutrients to the body, which help improve its health.

One of its main benefits is its ability to cleanse the gut and control the acidity that occurs when the body loses its alkalinity.

How to prepare this remedy?

  • Buy a coconut, extract the liquid that is in it and drink it chilled.
  • You should know that coconut water which is sold in supermarkets is not effective because it has preservatives and other harmful substances in the body.

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