14 Remedies To Purify Heavy Metals Accumulated In The Liver

The lead contained in the tap water that we drink accumulates in our body, because the metal in the pipes contaminates it.

Why is it so important to remove heavy metals from our body? Because they are toxins, harmful elements that damage our cells and contaminate them.

These metals accumulate in our liver and, in the long run, cause serious health problems.

It is therefore important to know how you can properly clean your liver in order to remove all the heavy metals that can damage this organ.

Be aware that  the brain, kidneys, intestines and the entire immune system can also be affected.

How about starting now to put these simple tips into practice?

1. The importance of purifying heavy metals from our body

You should know that heavy metals fall into two categories: organic and non-organic. The first results in particular from the drugs that we take regularly.

But in this category we also find harmful elements from substances that we consume, such as alcohol or tobacco. These last two are the result of habits that we must put an end to.

And where do non-organic metals come from ? Non-organic toxins are those that we ingest through food and those that come from pollution.

Sometimes working in the chemical industry, in which these metals are handled, can seriously affect health.

Sooner or later they end up making us sick because we fail to remove all the toxins that have built up in our body.

These metals are stored in our lymphatic system, especially in our liver, and this is a very significant health risk.

2. What are the most common heavy metals that we accumulate in our body?

Metals and pollution

It is sure that this will surprise you. Even though we strive to lead a healthy lifestyle, some toxins enter our bodies through very common means.

Urban pollution, tap water and chemicals in food are the most common sources of contamination.

We are going to give you a list of the heavy metals that we have the most tendency to accumulate in our body:

  • Arsenic: it is the most harmful substance in the body. Most people ingest arsenic through tap water. Indeed, this water contains arsenic because of pesticides used by farmers and because of natural filtration.

Another major source of contamination is working in an industrial environment in which this substance is used.

  • Lead: the old pipes of houses are made with lead. But pesticides also contain it, so many foods are contaminated.
  • Mercury: This heavy metal is mainly found in seafood and fish.
  • Cadmium: Cadmium is present in many agricultural fertilizers. Without realizing it, we consume it in many fruits and vegetables that contain this heavy metal so dangerous for health.

Even if the amounts we take in are tiny, they can be dangerous in the long run. It is therefore important to frequently purify our organism.

14 home remedies to cleanse the liver of heavy metals

Green smoothie

1. Start the day by eating a clove of garlic on an empty stomach. To do this, you just have to take a clove, peel it, cut it into three pieces and then ingest it with a glass of water. Don’t worry about your breath, because if you drink lemon juice, your bad breath will go away.

You can always eat xylitol chewing gum to help pass the taste. Consuming a clove of garlic in the morning is therefore an excellent way to eliminate the heavy metals accumulated in your liver.

2. Dandelion:  How about drinking a good dandelion tea after lunch? It is one of the best plants to cleanse the body.
3. Artichoke water: this remedy should be taken twice a week. To do this, take two artichokes and cook them in a liter of water. When they are very soft, filter the water. You should drink this infusion throughout the day. We suggest you add the juice of one lemon, it will be even more beneficial.
4. Chlorella algae:  it is excellent for purifying the body of heavy metals. It can be found in natural or specialty food stores.
5. Chlorophyll:  Chlorophyll can also be easily found in natural stores. It is an excellent natural remedy to take care of your liver, to detoxify it and to strengthen the immune system.
6. Cilantro: Don’t forget to include a few cilantro leaves in all your salads and soups. It takes care of your immune system and helps remove mercury, aluminum and lead from your body.

Home remedies suite

7. Grapefruit and orange juice: this excellent combination of vitamin C will cleanse you from the inside out. You can drink this juice every morning. You will love it!

8. Oats: This  is another great option for breakfast. Oats are rich in zinc and selenium, two minerals that take care of the immune system and help eliminate heavy metals from the body.

9. Brown rice: this is another cereal rich in zinc that will help you take care of your health. It is tasty and will allow you to cleanse your body.

10. Peach:  this delicious, juicy fruit is a natural source of vitamins and minerals, perfect for removing heavy metals.

11. Broccoli: You should know that broccoli is one of the best vegetables to take care of our liver. When buying it, it is necessary to know whether or not it has been grown with pesticides.

12. Raw spinach:  Spinach is rich in chlorophyll. If you eat them raw, you will benefit more from their properties.

13. Brazil nuts:  they are delicious! And in addition, they will provide you with zinc and selenium, two substances ideal for eliminating heavy metals.

14. Onion: Did you eat onion today? Do you add it to your salads? This food is rich in sulfur, a fabulous ally for neutralizing heavy metals, such as aluminum.

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