5 Types Of Tea And Their Health Benefits

White tea is still relatively unknown in the West. It is obtained from new shoots that have not yet been oxidized, and has more antioxidant properties than green tea.

In this article, you will discover different types of tea that are frequently used in natural medicine. As well as their properties and how to use them to improve your health.

Tea is a drink usually used in natural medicine in Eastern civilizations for their therapeutic properties.

Types of tea

1. Green tea

Green tea is one of the very popular types of tea in Asian countries like China and Japan. It is a tea that is obtained after having oxidized the tea leaves to a minimum.

It contains a large amount of catechins and isoflavones. This gives it great antioxidant power. This is why it prevents the premature aging of body tissues.

Here are some of its benefits:

  • Reduces the risk of breast, lung, stomach, prostate and colon cancer.
  • Prevents hardening of the artery walls (arteriosclerosis) and helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular accidents.
  • Help to lose weight. Green tea can increase thermogenesis and decrease fatty deposits in the liver.
  • Helps maintain the proper functioning of the nervous system.

2. Black tea

black tea, one of the most popular types of tea

Black tea is produced from the leaves of Cammellia sinensis  . It is subjected to a more prolonged oxidative process than other teas, such as white, green or oolong tea. This is where it gets its more pronounced flavor and dark color.

Consuming black tea can also provide important health benefits:

  • Reduces the risk of contracting cardiovascular diseases.  Because it stimulates the heart and protects the internal walls of the arteries.
  • Stimulates the nervous system thanks to the methylxanthines it contains.
  • Is diuretic, it helps not to retain water.
  • Relaxes the muscles of the bronchioles , thus helping to improve breathing.

3. White tea

White tea is a special variety of tea that is still unknown in the West. It is prepared in an artisanal way with the youngest shoots of the tea plant. It thus has a very delicate and sweet flavor.

Various scientific studies have shown that white tea contains a higher amount of polyphenols than green tea. Its antioxidant power is thus much more powerful.

It is for this reason that it is able to prevent the aging of tissues, improve the level of cholesterol in the blood and reduce the risk of cancer with much more effectiveness than green tea.

4. Oloong tea

oolong tea, one of the types of tea with a fruit flavor
This variety of tea, also called Wulong or blue tea, goes through an oxidative process intermediate between black tea and other types of milder tea, such as white or green.

It has a particular, very pleasant taste, similar to that of fresh fruit. Its concentration of antioxidant substances makes it very useful in reducing the risk of heart attacks and other cardiovascular diseases .

It can also lower the cholesterol level in the blood and it is also recommended for weight loss.

5. Red tea, a famous fat burner

Pu-Erh tea , also known as red tea, has a characteristic, earthy and strong taste. It is dark red in color. It is a tea subjected to a wide post-fermentation process.

Its maturation takes place in cellars and can last several years. It is this process that gives it this special taste and color, as well as its great “fat-burning” power.

It is recommended to drink three cups of this tea a day to decrease the level of fat in the blood and lose weight more easily. It also has a diuretic effect and helps eliminate fluids and improve digestion.

Very good news for tea lovers! As you can see, drinking tea has a lot of positive health effects, and this remedy has practically no contraindications.

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