Delicious Chickpea And Eggplant Salad

Chickpeas are a legume and, as such, a staple that should be included in any type of diet. Eggplant, on the other hand, is a vegetable with countless health benefits and low in calories.

Many of us have associated legumes with hot dishes such as soups or stews. But they can also be tasted in salads, as in this chickpea and eggplant salad that we are offering you today.

It’s a nutritious and delicious salad, suitable for any time of the year… Don’t miss it!

Chickpea and eggplant salad

When summer arrives, the mere idea of ​​a heavy and hot dish of legumes leads us to avoid eating them during this time. However, we are leaving out one of the most nutritious and necessary staple foods. Have you thought about eating them in a salad?

In our recipe today, we offer you a salad of chickpeas and eggplant, the perfect combination of which reminds us of tradition and “home cooking”. In addition, the high nutritional content of its ingredients makes it an ideal, satiating and tasty dish, perfect at any time of the year.

First, we’ll learn a bit more about its main ingredients and their health benefits:


Raw chickpeas

Chickpeas are legumes and therefore a staple food that should be included in all types of diets. Indeed, chickpeas are rich in protein of plant origin and are a source of calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus.

Plus, they’re rich in vitamin E, thiamine, niacin, and folate. They also contain large amounts of fiber, which promote intestinal transit and provide a feeling of fullness.

On the other hand, they provide 19.4g of protein per 100g, and only 5g of fat or lipids.


Eggplant is a vegetable that offers many benefits. Indeed, to its high content of fibers, minerals and vitamins, we must add its versatility in cooking. All of this makes it perfect for consuming in all types of diets, especially for people who want to lose weight or watch it.

Indeed, eggplant is low in calories (38 per 100 g), because it is made up of nearly 93% water. It also provides calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and iron. Plus, it’s rich in flavonoids and antioxidants that support the immune system and heart function.

Regarding its vitamin content, it is worth noting its intake of thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B6, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), vitamin A and carotenes. However, we must keep in mind that we must avoid eating raw eggplant. Indeed, this vegetable contains an alkaloid substance, solanine, which is toxic if consumed raw but which is inactivated by cooking.

It is therefore always advisable to wash the eggplant well and leave it with salt for a while. In this way, the vegetable will remove some of the water and the bitter taste brought by the solanine on its own. Then it will have to be cooked.

However, the content of this alkaloid substance is not sufficient to cause poisoning, even if it is consumed raw. However, its bitter taste will be present if it is not cooked. It is therefore preferable to prepare it before consuming it.

Chickpea and eggplant salad recipe

The chickpea salad recipe


  • 1 eggplant
  • 1 red pepper
  • Vinegar
  • 1 onion or spring onion
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • Sliced ​​black olives
  • 1 jar of cooked chickpeas
  • Salt
  • Basil
  • Oil


  • First of all, you need to wash the chickpeas well. Normally, in the jar, they are preserved with a liquid, the texture of which may get in the way later in the salad. Rinse them with plenty of water and drain them.
  • Then you can sauté the eggplant and peppers. When it comes to eggplants in particular, you need to salt and drain them. In this way, you will be able to eliminate some of the bitter taste that they have when they are raw.
  • Then combine the vinegar and basil, beating them well. Then, in a frying pan, brown all the ingredients a little except the chickpeas.
  • When they have browned a little, take them out of the pan and let them cool. You can eat this salad cold or warm, according to your taste.
  • Once cooled, add the chickpeas. Finally, add the vinaigrette that you have prepared and mix everything perfectly.
  • Your salad is ready!

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