Morning Foods That Fill You Up With Energy

It is essential that the first food we eat provides us with the energy we need to face the day, and not to feel a drop in our diet for the morning.

When we wake up, we need to eat more so that we can face the whole day ahead and recharge our batteries.

You surely know the popular saying which goes: “Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dine like a beggar”.

In this article, we’ll tell you which foods provide the most energy in the morning.

How to recharge your batteries in the morning?

Your breakfast is likely to consist of coffee and a pastry in the car on the way to work, while you are getting dressed, or packing your things.

This morning habit does not provide your body with the “fuel” it needs to start the day.

If you don’t want to feel tired, weak, or distracted, you should eat foods that give you energy first thing in the morning.

When your activities begin, your brain will feel better able to work, more attentive and predisposed to follow the right “rhythm”.

You will then be able to work better, be more profitable, have better ideas and avoid the physical and mental exhaustion so characteristic of these days. 

Foods that should not be missing from your breakfast are:

1. Healthy carbohydrates

It is necessary to make a distinction because all carbohydrates have the capacity to be energetic.

To be considered “healthy”, they must not cause alterations in blood sugar levels (it should be noted that they are sources of glucose and that the body transforms them into energy).

Some of the best options are rye bread and oats (you can mix them with yogurt, milk, or juice).

These two foods provide the body with energy and provide the brain with the nutrients it needs to make the right decisions and be more creative.

2. The egg

If you don’t eat too much, the egg is healthy (although many believe it is a forbidden food).

  • The proteins it offers are of good quality and, moreover, provide essential amino acids which interact favorably with hormones.
  • Eating eggs improves neurotransmitters that affect moods.

This is why it is good to have a hard-boiled egg for breakfast two or three times a week.

This is especially good on days when you know your schedule is full, you have to work overtime at work and expect a grueling day.

3. Low fat protein

No bacon or sausages in the morning because they increase cholesterol levels colossally and do not give energy at all, on the contrary.

Saturated fat makes us slower and less able to make decisions.

It is likely that you have experienced this feeling of heaviness and fatigue after a heavy and filling meal. Well, you will have this feeling all day long if you eat these foods.

On the contrary, if you opt for pulses (lentils, beans, chickpeas), you will be more awake!

4. Dried fruits

If it doesn’t seem so “normal” to eat beans in the morning, you can try dried fruits (almonds, walnuts, peanuts etc.)

  • These foods combine healthy fats, carbohydrates and plant proteins and provide us with a lot of energy.
  • Since they contain fiber, they provide us with a good supply of glucose and other nutrients, repair muscle damage and regulate the metabolism.

Be aware that dried fruit is high in calories, but a handful of each every two to three days is not a bad idea.

5. Fruit smoothies

In summer it is very easy to prepare a smoothie or fruit juice. But it will be good to continue this habit also during the winter months.

  • Instead of having a coffee, try an apple, pear, orange juice… whatever mix you want!
  • You’ll find that your energy won’t run out as quickly as if you were consuming caffeine (which can have many side effects).

Take your time to peel and cut the fruit, and put them in the blender.

6. Skimmed dairy products

We are talking about “skimmed” products here because maybe the milk or yogurt can be a bit heavy in the morning.

Plus, the fat-free version helps keep weight off and is best for people with mild lactose intolerance.

  • Dairy products contain amino acids and nutrients that fuel you and give you energy.
  • If you do not want to consume this type of food, you can opt for vegetable milks (almonds, soybeans, rice, etc.). They do not provide cholesterol, are antioxidants, contain little fat and are high in protein.

3 examples of energy breakfasts

If you notice that you are running out of energy early enough in the morning, maybe you should try one of these menus:

1. The classic breakfast

We could say that this is the most common. It contains :

  • A cup of coffee (preferably decaffeinated) with milk (skimmed)
  • A toasted sandwich with low fat creamy cheese
  • Orange juice (you can add sugar-free cereal flakes or instant oats)

2. The quick breakfast

For people who get up at the last moment and don’t want to leave their homes too “heavy”.

  • In the blender glass, put an apple, a banana, an orange, a handful of almonds, a little oats and water.
  • Mix well and pour into a cup that you can take on public transport.

3. The low calorie breakfast

If in addition to looking for energy, you want to lose weight, this breakfast is ideal:

  • Skimmed yogurt
  • A grilled toast with skimmed cheese
  • A fruit (this can be for example a few slices of pineapple, an apple or a pear)

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