Fight Hair Loss By Consuming These 7 Foods

Our diet plays a fundamental role when it comes to taking care of the hair, as we need to provide nutrients from within to strengthen the hair .

There are many factors that can influence excessive hair loss. What many overlook is that sometimes it occurs as a result of certain nutritional deficiencies.

Although our focus is on the use of external treatments, hair needs certain components of food to grow and stay healthy.

For this reason, in addition to anti- hair loss products, it is helpful to add certain ingredients to your diet that promote healthy hair.

In this way, we want to share with you the top 7 in detail so that you don’t hesitate to increase their consumption if you notice that you are losing more hair than normal.

Discover them!

1. Spinach

spinach helps fight hair loss

This delicious green vegetable is one of the best foods for strengthening weak hair that tends to fall out in excessive amounts.

  • It makes important contributions of iron, beta-carotene, and vitamin C, all necessary to promote healthy hair growth.
  • Its slight contribution of amino acids strengthens hair follicles and helps keep hair strong and shiny.

2. Lentils

Lentils are one of the most complete varieties of legumes. They have always been recommended as a dietary supplement because their nutrients help meet the body’s needs.

  • Their contribution of biotin and protein benefits hair health, not only because it prevents hair loss, but also because it prevents weakening and brittle hair.
  • They are a source of iron, which helps control hair loss in anemia.

3. The blue fish

fish helps fight hair loss

Salmon, tuna and other varieties of blue fish contain omega-3 fatty acids and high biological value proteins that support healthy hair.

  • Its consumption, at least twice a week, prevents the loss of the scalp’s natural oils and stimulates growth.
  • Some species contain selenium, a key nutrient in controlling excessive hair loss.
  • Its antioxidants fight free radicals and reduce problems that weaken the roots.

4. Oats for healthy hair

Oats have gained a very important place in the daily diet. Not only does it improve digestion thanks to its fiber intake, but it also offers beauty benefits thanks to its content of B vitamins and minerals.

  • These nutrients increase the strength of the hair and decrease its excessive loss.
  • Its amino acids help strengthen hair follicles and promote the growth of strong, healthy hair.

5. The pumpkin

The pumpkin is a well-known food in the world gastronomy. It is a very versatile and economical ingredient that can be added in a variety of ways in the diet.

  • Its benefits for the hair are attributed to its contribution of vitamin E, an antioxidant nutrient that reduces attacks caused by toxins and the sun.
  • This substance is absorbed at the roots and promotes the growth of new hair.
  • It is also distinguished by its content of fatty acids and vitamin C, which help to maintain the balance of the activity of the sebaceous glands, preventing dryness and drought.
  • In addition to this, it contains minerals such as potassium and zinc, the absorption of which stimulates blood circulation and the synthesis of collagen.

6. Eggs

Egg has been recognized as one of the most recommended ingredients for healthy hair. Although its application in masks has many advantages, regular consumption is also recommended.

  • Its protein content of high biological value promotes the formation of stronger and shinier hair.
  • These nutrients repair damage to hair follicles and prevent breakage and excessive shedding.
  • They concentrate a significant amount of B vitamins, which play a major role in healthy growth.

7. Dried fruits

Nuts, almonds and other varieties of dried fruits contain essential amino acids, and minerals that provide important benefits for the hair.

  • Their contribution of zinc, selenium and magnesium decreases capillary weakening and promotes growth.
  • Their fatty acids help maintain optimal oil production in the scalp, which prevents excess dryness.
  • Due to their high contribution of omega 3 and 6, they are ideal for preventing inflammation of hair follicles and circulatory difficulties.

Is your hair falling out excessively? Still not including all of these foods in your diet? Now that you know the benefits, don’t hesitate to consume them regularly.

Of course, for optimal control of this problem, make sure you have other basic care for your hair.

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