Healthy Foods For Children 1 To 3 Years Old

Healthy eating is one of the keys to good health for children between 1 and 3 years old. Providing them with the best foods will help them grow well and develop healthily. Discover some recommendations here.

From their first year of life, most children can finally eat like the rest of the family. The diet of children between 1 and 3 years old must include healthy foods, the best source of energy and the best ally for health. We invite you here to discover some recommendations on the subject.

One of the main benefits of eating well in childhood is good health. As part of the global strategy on diet, physical activity and health created by the World Health Organization (WHO), experts believe that:

For this reason, it is important to give our children the right foods, as this will affect their present and future health. During childhood, development and physical growth are important. Food must therefore provide children with sufficient energy and nutrients. Without forgetting, moreover, that childhood is an appropriate stage for acquiring and consolidating healthy eating habits that will last until adulthood.

A healthy diet should be varied, sufficient, balanced and adapted to children’s preferences and their perception of appetite. The foods that we quote throughout this article are real health allies for children between 1 and 3 years old.

Fruits and vegetables in the diet of children aged 1 to 3 years

Vegetables are important in the diet of children between the ages of 1 and 3

As with adults, vegetables should be present in the meals of the little ones. There isn’t one in particular who is better than the others at this age. What is important is to vary the vegetables, to opt for seasonal vegetables and to choose according to the tastes of the child and the family.

  • Chard and spinach are the vegetables that contain more nitrates. For this reason, before the age of three, children should not eat it more than once a day.
  • Almost any fruit can be eaten from the age of 1 year. You should still be careful with fruits that present a high risk of suffocation, such as whole grapes or cherries, for example. Opt for fresh fruit and fruit in their natural form (avoid fruit juice and puree).

The proteins

The main sources of protein in the diet of children between the ages of 1 and 3 are fish, meat and eggs.

There are a few limitations that are best to be aware of:

  • Children should not eat swordfish, shark, bluefin tuna, and pike, as these fish can contain high doses of mercury.
  • The heads of seafood as well as the bodies of crustaceans such as crab are not recommended as they may contain a fair amount of cadmium

We must not forget the importance of legumes. Legumes are very healthy and nutritious foods for children. Red lentils  do not have a skin, which is why they are generally digested better.

Healthy fats in the diet of children aged 1 to 3

Healthy fats have their place in the diet of children between the ages of 1 and 3

Extra virgin olive oil should be the main source of fat in children’s diets. This oil will be used to season their dishes (vegetables, cereals, legumes, etc.).

Dried fruits are also a good healthy fat option. They are an important source of polyunsaturated fats and vegetable proteins. However, it must be taken into account that dried fruits present a significant risk of suffocation. This food must then be offered in the form of powder or paste. Dried fruit paste spread on a slice of bread is an ideal option for children’s breakfasts and snacks.

Whole grains

Whole grains are very nutritious foods. It is therefore preferable to opt for this alternative rather than for refined grains.

For children between 1 and 3 years old, the best cereals are:

  • Rice, rye and millet
  • Pasta
  • Semolina
  • Oatmeal
  • Potatoes and sweet potatoes

For breakfast and afternoon snack, it is best to opt for wholegrain bread, oatmeal or another type of whole grain without added sugar.

Dairy products

From one year of age, children who stop drinking breast milk can drink cow’s milk. It is preferable to avoid the use of the bottle and therefore to serve the milk in a glass.

Plain yogurts, cream cheese and small portions of hard cheese are also healthy foods during childhood. But you still have to be careful with these foods because of their high salt content.

It is not necessary to give children special yogurts or milks. If your child’s diet is sufficient and varied, these food products will not offer any particular nutritional benefits compared to the original products. It is even inadvisable to opt for these alternatives because, often, they contain added ingredients such as sugar, flavors or fats.

What children between the ages of 1 and 3 should not eat

Children between the ages of 1 and 3 should not eat certain foods, which even for adults are not recommended.

  • Pastry: cookies, madeleines, cookies …
  • Sweet cereals
  • Salty snacks and crisps
  • Soft drinks and fruit juices
  • Sweet dairy products
  • Processed meats

Other considerations

At this age, children’s eating behaviors can be very varied. Children at this age may find it difficult to accept new foods and go through a period of varying degrees of appetite. It is important that the child eats in a quiet atmosphere and with the family as soon as possible. Children should never eat without adult supervision.

Also, children should not be forced to eat. It is good to always offer different alternatives in terms of textures, flavors and colors. Let’s not forget that this is a stage of discovery and learning.

Finally, it is imperative to be attentive to possible adverse reactions each time we introduce a new food in the diet of the child.

In short, the nutrition of children must be one of the most important concerns of parents. Surrounding them with healthy foods will make it easier and more satisfying for everyone.

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