HIIT For Beginners: Exercises And Tips

Losing weight can take time. However, if you are looking for an intense routine with which you can shorten the body’s reaction times, HIIT for beginners is the way to go. Find out more!

HIIT for beginners is based on high impact training that gets  results in a fraction of the time. In other words, by doing 10 to 20 minutes of HIIT, we achieve the performance of a cardio exercise that would last 40 minutes.

On the other hand, this fitness modality is ideal for people who have little time to train, those who lead a sedentary lifestyle or those who wish to bring more to their physical condition. Today, we are therefore interested in the practice of HIIT for beginners. We also offer you the best advice to progress.

What is HIIT and how do you start practicing?

To answer this question, we need to know the meaning of its acronym. It stands for High Intensity Interval Training in English. In other words, high intensity interval training.

The intervals used are between 20 and 45 seconds of training interspersed with 10 to 15 seconds of rest. Thus, it promotes an accumulative tension in the muscles, then multiplying the results exponentially.

To start the practice of HIIT, we recommend a routine of 5 to 7 minutes with exercises already mastered. Incorrect movement could actually cause injury.  There is also a simpler adaptation modality which consists of 60 seconds of running and 90 seconds of walking. It all depends on the reaction of the body.

A woman doing a lateral squat.

HIIT for beginners: what are the recommended exercises?

HIIT for beginners should be tailored to the physical abilities of each individual. It is therefore essential that the exercises and intervals are personalized.

In addition, the increase in intensity must be gradual in order  to achieve the expected efficiency. Among the exercises recommended to start this practice, we offer the following:

  • Anaerobic board.
  • Running in tight spaces.
  • Bending with a turn.
  • Squat.
  • Step-up on a wall or a chair.
  • Jumping jack.
  • Short and long abs.
  • Side slits.
  • Dips.

However, before you practice these exercises, it is important to know 2 beginner’s HIIT routines that may seem strenuous at the first few times, but work perfectly for weight loss.

1. 10 Minute Beginner HIIT Routine

During this first workout, you must follow a sequence of 20 seconds of work giving the maximum, then 10 seconds of total rest. All you need is your body and comfortable sports clothes. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Perform a cross front punch, also known as a jab . To do this, stand with one leg in front of the other with an opening of approximately 10 centimeters. Then do a centered boxing stroke and then another cross. This movement should be applied with both arms.
  • Rest for 10 seconds.
  • Do some jumpings jacks. It is about extending the arms towards the sky with each jump then to bring them back to the sides between the jumps.
  • Rest for 10 seconds.
  • Then perform  sumo squats. The ideal technique is to stand with a significant distance between the feet which are positioned at 45 degrees. In addition, the hands should be joined at chest height for each descent and climb.
  • Each of the exercises should be repeated with high intensity until the set 20 seconds elapse.

2. 20 Minute Beginner HIIT Routine

In this case,  all the exercises are carried out over 45 seconds of work with a rest of 15 seconds. To practice this routine, it is essential to have easily overcome the first training.

To do this, use the series as follows:

  • Perform push- ups with your hands parallel to each other 5 centimeters apart. You can also put your knees down to do the exercise.
  • Rest for 15 seconds.
  • Now perform squats with your feet in line with your shoulders.
  • Rest for 15 seconds.
  • Take a jog on site or kicks butt . The secret is that the heels touch the glutes during the upward movement.
  • Rest for 15 seconds.
  • Then perform dips using a stable chair that you have near you. The way to do this is on the back with the palms of the hand on the chair. Then bend your elbows then return to the initial position.
  • Rest for 15 seconds.
  • Perform side lunges using the toe-toe forward technique as you take a large step and hold the position.
  • Rest for 15 seconds.
  • Repeat each movement until you reach 20 minutes of training.

A woman resting during a HIIT workout.

Tips for progress

For beginners, progressing is fundamental because it is the key for the body to assimilate the efforts in a positive way. According to experts, the main tips to evolve and progress are as follows:

  • Decrease rest: at the beginning, the rest times are generally long. Reducing the number of seconds of rest is an effective technique for progress.
  • Add more explosive exercises: some practices require greater intensity. For example, running on steep slopes.
  • Add intervals to sets: Including new work in the full sequence not only allows versatility in terms of muscle groups exercised, but also a higher level of demand.

HIIT adapts to each individual

In short,  HIIT for beginners is a tool for burning calories at an accelerated rate  without the need for long workouts. In addition, it can be adapted to each person according to their physical capacities.

Finally, the best way to get into the dynamics of HIIT for beginners is to add exercises, loads, intervals and intensity as the body gets used to it and the physical condition improves. improved. In these senses, excess is not an option in the long term.

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