10 Easy Solutions To Cure Anemia

Anemia is a decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood. The most common cause is a lack of iron (iron deficiency anemia). But it can also be caused by certain diseases. For people prone to iron deficiency anemia, we present in continuation foods rich in iron and some simple and effective advice to carry out an adapted daily diet.

What symptoms can appear?

  • Pallor
  • Asthenia (severe fatigue)
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Muscle fatigue
  • Palpitations
  • Migraines
  • Visual disturbances
  • Insomnia
  • Poor concentration
  • Altered menstruation
  • Fluid retention

What must we do ?

If some of these symptoms appear and you think you may be dealing with anemia, your best bet is to contact a specialist for a diagnosis and treatment.

In most cases, the doctor will indicate a cure for iron. You have to be careful with these food supplements. Indeed, they are oxidizing and can cause lesions, gastritis and stomach disorders.

If you are having iron therapy, we recommend that you always take it with vitamin C and consult your doctor if you have any discomfort. Also, don’t forget to follow these guidelines to provide your body with the maximum amount of iron in the most natural way possible.

10 simple tips against anemia

  • Lemon juice: Lemon is an excellent source of vitamin C, which helps us better assimilate iron from food. An easy option to enjoy its benefits is to season our foods with a squeeze of lemon juice, especially if they are foods rich in iron, such as meat, fish or salad.
  • Pollen : Pollen will increase the production of red blood cells, in addition to having other health properties. You can take a spoonful of pollen powder per day, in the morning, mixed with water or juice.
  • Sprockets :  Sprockets contain a high level of iron. We can grill them lightly and grind them to mix them with our meals. They are ideal for children who have anemia.
  • Pistachios :  The nutritional values ​​of pistachios are similar to those of pine nuts. But it contains more protein and less fat. Very rich in iron, it is also rich in vitamin C, which helps us better assimilate iron. Specially recommended for athletes.

pistachios against anemia

  • Alfalfa sprouts :  Sprouted alfalfa is a food very rich in minerals (not just iron). It also  gives a lot of vitality. This is why we recommend consuming it daily as a side dish on our plates. It can be bought already sprouted or to sprout at home. For this, we keep the seeds in a constantly humid place for a few days. You can also buy a special pot to germinate seeds of all kinds.
  • Multicolored Salads :  A raw, fresh, whole salad is a wonderful source of iron. We’re not just talking about lettuce and tomato. You can add sprouts, dried fruits, raw spinach, arugula or watercress. But also peppers, carrots, apples, sunflower seeds and squash, and season it with olive oil and a squeeze of lemon juice.
  • Spelled and millet drinks :  A good alternative to cow’s milk is to drink vegetable drinks. We recommend two that are very healthy and high in iron: spelled and millet.
  • Lenses : Historically  , lenses have been recommended for people with anemia. In winter, they can be eaten cooked, which is the most usual way. But do not forget them in summer. This is the season when you can suffer from anemia the most. We can then prepare them in cold salad, warm soup or sprouted like the alfalfa mentioned above.

anemia diet

  • Sunbathing :  Taking the sun daily will help us fix minerals in our body. To be done early in the morning or when the sun goes down, and alternated with cold showers.
  • In case of heavy periods :  In the case of women, a  heavy period can be a cause of anemia. In this case, we must also be concerned with consuming foods rich in iron. To do this, you can drink infusions or take extracts of nettles, gentian and horsetail.


In some cases, anemia is linked to an autoimmune disease. If this is your case or if you have important genetic factors, we recommend avoiding or at least minimizing the consumption of milk and dairy products. In no time you will notice a marked improvement.

Photographs courtesy of sweetbeetandgreenbean and joannova.

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