4 Infusions To Cleanse Our Body

The infusion of field horsetail is very effective in preventing colds. It is digestible and has diuretic properties, which is why it can help fight against water retention.

For different reasons, we can accumulate toxins in our body. However, to clean it and eliminate all the accumulations of toxins that degrade our body, we can consume certain infusions.

Infusions to purify our body

For a natural and adequate purification, we can have recourse to the various diuretic and digestive foods that exist, or to certain medicinal plants. In the rest of this article, we will present some foods as well as the plants to choose for making infusions to purify your body.

In addition, you can consume them for 3 weeks. Without sugar, or with natural sweeteners. You can replace the coffee or chocolate in your breakfast with one of these infusions, or drink them as a snack or after lunch or dinner.

These infusions are rich in antioxidants. In addition, to prepare them, you just need to add a spoon of dried herbal remedies to a cup of boiling water. Then, let sit for 5 or 10 minutes before drinking.

Depurative infusion based on field horsetail

depurative infusions based on field horsetail

Field horsetail has great depurative properties and can be mixed with mint, licorice, green anise or fennel. Remember that each of these herbal remedies must be added in equal parts in order to obtain an infusion which can be effective in cleaning the lungs of mucus. In addition, it is also an ideal remedy to aid digestion.

Thyme cleansing infusion

It is an infusion whose consumption is particularly recommended for people who digest poorly or are nervous. Thus, thyme helps to improve the functioning of the gallbladder and the liver. Plus, it’s a great source of antioxidants.

To make this infusion, just mix equal parts thyme, lemon balm, lime blossom and angelica in a cup of boiling water. Then cover and let sit for 10 minutes, then drink.

Strawberry leaf purifying infusion

depurative infusions made from strawberry leaves

When the toxins that build up in the body cause problems such as the buildup and excess of uric acid or gout, strawberry leaves are the perfect solution.

To make this infusion, mix equal parts mint leaves, lingonberries, coltsfoot and, of course, strawberries. This mixture then represents an excellent drink with diuretic and antioxidant effects. You can drink one cup a day.

Depurative infusion based on elderberry

The infusion of elderberry leaves has diuretic properties. This is why it is generally used as part of natural depurative treatments. In this case, they can be mixed with certain herbs that help improve digestion and calm the nerves.

Mix equal parts elderflower, green anise, chamomile and sage. Prepare this infusion in the same way as the previous ones. Unlike the purifying infusion made from strawberry leaves, this one can be consumed 2 or 3 times a day.

Finally, we hope you will enjoy these pleasant infusions. They are highly diuretic and packed with antioxidants. Remember to include them in your diet and not to overdo them. They should be part of a healthy lifestyle. In no case can they replace a drug prescribed by a doctor.

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