Whatever You Don’t Solve In Your Life Catches Up With You

If you don’t face your problems and solve them, they will always be there, waiting for you to finally face them and you were closing this chapter of your life.

We tend not to face the situations that hurt us the most, turn our backs on fear and run away from what we fear the most. However, whatever you don’t solve in your life catches up with you.

So, no need to close your eyes and pretend nothing is happening. The problems that affect us the most are the ones that we absolutely must solve.

How to do ? You have to look them in the face and use fear as a motivation to overcome them.

Anything you don’t solve catches up with you in a way stronger

Your whole past is catching up with you.

Anything that you don’t solve, that you ignore, that you fear, catches up with you in a way that is two or three times more violent. It’s a way of life to say to you: “Hey, don’t take this path!”.

If you don’t pay attention, if you don’t fix the problem, next time you will find yourself in the same situation, only worse.

Let us take a few examples:

Ana is 37 years old and all of her relationship ends very badly. She suffered from infidelity, abuse and also lack of commitment, on the part of the other person in her relationship.

What is Ana’s problem?

Ana always begins her relationships with the fear of abandonment, but most of all she enters relationships without really wanting it. Above all, she is afraid of being alone, and until she gets over this fear, her relationships will remain sterile.

Pablo, meanwhile, is 28 years old and cannot find a permanent job. He has had a few, but only a few months, or even a few days. When he goes to an interview, he is rarely called back.

Pablo’s problem is that he has a great fear of failure and, until he gets over that fear, the difficulty of finding a job should alert him that there is something going on. ‘he absolutely has to face.

Our attitude towards life is very important. As soon as we have a fear or trauma that causes a blockage in any area, this is where the difficulties begin.

What is the point of fleeing?

Anguish overtakes you.

Knowing all this, what’s the point of escaping? Running away from what scares you, what you are trying to avoid, is not the right way to solve a problem that is affecting you and that will not go away.

If you don’t face it, the problem will always be there,  and the more you turn your back on it, the more intensely it will manifest itself in your life.

Therefore, avoidance is a counterproductive attitude. However, it is not that easy to face your fears either.

What can you do about it?

  • Admit that you are afraid  : You run away, you ignore it, but do you deny it? Accepting your fear is an important first step.
  • Examine where it might be coming from: Remember when it first happened and if you know what triggered it.
  • Be objective with your fear  : Now it’s time to look at your fear from the outside and ask yourself, “What’s the worst that can happen?
  • Challenge yourself  : Facing your greatest fears is a difficult experience, a real adventure. Are you going to stop yourself from experiencing it?

Are you going to start changing your outlook on anything that you can’t seem to solve?

Fear catches up with you.

Now, knowing all of the above, it’s time to stop fearing something that can be resolved. But that will surely be difficult, because keeping an open wound for a long time that catches up with you hurts.

However, if things get worse, you may find that you should not overlook the obstacles or barriers that limit you and make the wounds even more vivid.

All of this will allow you to focus on them, listen to them and heal them.

It is important that they heal, that they stop being an open wound. You can’t go on dragging along what once triggered a fear that continues without really being necessary.

Fear alerts you to impending danger that requires action, whether it’s fleeing or attacking.

However, when it is not managed and it turns into anxiety, when it limits and causes insecurities in certain aspects of life that are related to this fear, it is necessary to face it.

Remember that whatever you don’t solve comes back to you and catches up with you in an amplified way. This is not bad luck, it is not bad karma.

The solution to ending your anxieties is in your hands. How? ‘Or’ What ? By being brave, by looking fear straight in the eye.

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