How To Use Olive Oil For The Household

As in this case we are not going to use olive oil for nutritional purposes, we can opt for refined varieties , or at least for the cheapest.

Olive oil is a plant product that is part of the diet of many people around the world. However, beyond the nutritional and medicinal power, thanks to its oleaginous texture and its ease of application, olive oil can also be used for cleaning.

For centuries, olive oil has been valued for its formidable nutritional composition. It contains high quality essential fatty acids and powerful antioxidants. It is above all a versatile product, which can be used as a natural cosmetic or in effective beauty treatments.

It is not only a natural source of energy for our body. But it is also a healthy alternative to combat many health problems that can affect us.

In the rest of this article, we want to share all of the uses for olive oil to help you replace a number of chemicals that you currently use for cleaning and maintaining your home. Take note!

How to use olive oil for the household

1. Polishing metals

How to Use Olive Oil for Household: Polishing Metals

Metal objects in the fireplace tend to become opaque from constant contact with dust and airborne particles. To get back all their original shine and appearance, rub them with a small amount of olive oil and baking soda.


  • ¼ cup olive oil (50 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda (10 g)

How should you proceed?

  • Mix the baking soda and olive oil,
  • Then rub the resulting mixture on the metal objects you want to shine.
  • Leave on for 10 minutes, then remove excess product with a damp absorbent cloth.

2. Clean wooden furniture

A combination of olive oil and lemon juice will also allow you to thoroughly clean and disinfect all your wooden furniture. This will allow you to remove dust, water marks and all traces of dirt.


  • ¼ cup olive oil (50 g)
  • The juice of 1/2 lemon

How should you proceed?

  • Mix the juice of half a lemon with olive oil,
  • Then rub the mixture obtained on the wooden furniture that you want to clean, using a cloth.

3. Make your leather items shine

How to Use Olive Oil for Household: Clean Leather Items

To restore all their natural shine to your leather goods, you can also use a combination of olive oil and apple cider vinegar. Use it on your shoes, on your accessories and on your furniture.


  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil (48 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (10 ml)

How should you proceed?

  • Mix the ingredients,
  • Then rub this mixture on the objects you want to clean.
  • You can use a microfiber cloth for a perfect cleaning.

4. Clean glass and glass surfaces

A small amount of this vegetable oil can also help restore your windows and glassware to their full shine.


  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil (16 g)
  • Newspaper

How should you proceed?

  • Put a little olive oil on the surface to be cleaned, then rub them with a little newspaper.

5. Degrease your saucepans and casseroles

How to Use Olive Oil for Household: Clean Pans

Instead of buying expensive degreasers to clean your kitchen pots, you can go for this fantastic product instead.


  • ¼ cup olive oil (50 g)
  • 6 tablespoons of white vinegar (60 g)

How should you proceed?

  • Mix the two ingredients in a container,
  • Then rub this mixture with a sponge on the pans you want to clean.
  • Leave the product on for several minutes, then rinse your pans with plenty of water.

6. Remove rust stains

Thanks to its oleaginous composition, olive oil is an excellent option for the household and for removing rust stains that can form on your furniture or other surfaces.


  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil (32 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice (10 ml)

How should you proceed?

  • Mix the two ingredients in a container,
  • Then rub them on the areas affected by rust, using a sponge.
  • Leave the product to act for 20 minutes, then remove the excess product with a soft cloth.

7. Clean sticky surfaces

With just a few drops of olive oil, you will be able to remove the sticky appearance of some of your kitchen utensils or any other surface in your home.


  • 6 drops of olive oil
  • A teaspoon of vinegar (5 ml)

How should you proceed?

  • Mix the drops of olive oil with the spoonful of vinegar,
  • Then rub the sticky surfaces you want to clean.
  • Wait for the product to work for 5 minutes, then rinse as usual.

If you are one of the people who is trying to adopt greener habits, do not hesitate to implement all these tips based on the use of olive oil for the household.

Since you are not looking to take advantage of the nutritional and medicinal benefits of this product, you can opt for the cheapest oil you will find in the store.

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