How To Calm A Sprained Ankle With 5 Home Remedies?

The ankle sprain may be more or less severe depending on the extent of the injury. Discover several natural remedies that can calm and promote recovery from a sprain. Also remember that you must above all rest to recover from this injury as quickly as possible.

Anyone can suffer from a sprained ankle at any time in their life. Normally, this happens as a result of a fall or the improper execution of a movement during an activity, such as walking, running, jogging, jumping, dancing, etc.

The  Dr Danielle Campagne explains that, generally, ankle sprains “occur when walking or running on uneven ground while the foot bends inwards  , which stretches the ligaments of the ankle beyond its limit and tears them ”.

We will explain below everything about sprains or strains of the ankle, what they are, their consequences and, above all, five home remedies that may help ease the discomfort.

What is an ankle sprain and how does it happen?

Our body is made up of small structures called ligaments that are found between every joint and every bone. Their function is to keep the bones connected with each other and to allow their mobility.

a sprain

The extent of the consequences will depend on the number of torn ligaments.  For example, it may happen that the ligaments have not been torn, but stretched more than they should. In this case, the sprain or strain will be slight.

On the other hand, when the ligaments are completely torn,  the joint swells and can cause pain, in addition to:

The simple stretch or tear defines the mild sprain or strain, the rupture corresponds to a severe sprain. In between, it is an average sprain. In these cases, it could be a severe stretch or involving more than one ligament or a slightly more serious tear.

  • Tactile sensitivity
  • Appearance of rosettes
  • Ankle stiffness
  • Inability to walk or support body weight with affected ankle

5 home remedies to treat a sprained ankle

First of all,  ankle sprain pain should be treated as recommended by the doctor . And if the doctor allows it, some home remedies can be used in addition.

We must not forget that the  physiotherapy  can also be useful both for discomfort and to recover well the movement of the injured foot.

Depending on the severity of the sprain,  a splint may be necessary  to help restore ligament attachment to the joint.

1. Clay remedy with horsetail

a sprain

The main function of this remedy is to absorb the inflammation of the sprain and reduce the bruising. You can also mix other medicinal plants with this mask, such as aloe, arnica or horsetail.


  • ½ cup of red clay (100 g)
  • 1 cup of horsetail infusion (250 ml).

What should you do ?

  • In a bowl, place the red clay and the horsetail infusion.
  • Mix well until a thick and homogeneous paste is obtained.
  • If you want to add any of the herbal remedies mentioned above, that’s perfectly possible. To do this, it is advisable to crush it in a separate container and then add it to this mixture.
  • To relieve the pain of the sprain, smear the mask all over the ankle and cover it with a bandage.

2. Castor oil remedy

With a castor oil massage, you will be able to relieve the pain of a sprain and improve blood circulation. Castor oil is produced from the castor bean, a medium height plant that contains poisonous seeds.


  • ½ cup castor oil (125 ml)
  • 1 small cloth

What should you do ?

  • You just need to spread the castor oil all over the rag.
  • Then place this castor oil soaked rag on the ankle to cover the entire twist. Then leave it on for about thirty minutes.

3. Turmeric remedy

a sprain
Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Turmeric is a spice that has many health benefits. It is distinguished in particular by its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. At the same time, it is an antispasmodic that helps relax all the muscles.


  • 2 tablespoons of turmeric powder (30 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice (15 ml)
  • Hot water (the amount needed)

What should you do ?

  • Add the turmeric and lemon juice to a container and mix well to form a homogeneous and compact paste.
  • If necessary, add water until the desired consistency is achieved.
  • Apply the mixture around the ankle and cover with a bandage for ten hours.
  • It is advisable to carry out this remedy for a whole week, always changing the dressing from time to time.

4. Garlic and coconut oil remedy

The  virgin coconut oil and garlic juice have anti-inflammatory properties. So we can combine them to make a home remedy to relieve swelling and pain.


  • 1 tablespoon of garlic juice (15 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil (30 g)

What should you do ?

  • Mix the two ingredients until you obtain a smooth paste. To do this, it is advisable to heat the oil a little beforehand.
  • Then perform a circular massage on the affected area. Leave it on for thirty minutes and repeat the application three to four times a day.

5. Onion remedy

a sprain
Scientific evidence suggests that onion has components with anti-inflammatory capacity.

Since onion has some similarity to garlic, we  think he also has  anti-inflammatory properties  which can be helpful in relieving swelling from a sprained ankle.

It is said that we can apply some fresh onion juice on the affected area  and cover it with a bandage or compress, so that its nutrients enter the area and provide relief.


  • 1 tablespoon of salt (15 g)
  • 1 slice of onion
  • cotton fabric

What should you do ?

  • Add a tablespoon of salt to one or more onion slices.
  • Then place this mixture on a thin cloth, preferably cotton, and wrap the affected ankle for about three hours. If you are bothered by the smell of onion, remember that you can easily remove it with soap and water.

What would be the most recommendable?

It is not scientifically proven that these home remedies always provide relief or are 100% effective in all cases. Consequently, he  is best to consult your doctor about its use  and, if the professional allows it, try to follow their instructions.

In addition, it is good to go to a physiotherapy center, as it is useful with sprained ankles, sprains and other types of injuries.

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