4 Smoothies To Reduce Your Waistline

To reduce your waistline, the key is in foods whose properties help to loosen the tummy and burn fat.

Reducing your waistline is the goal of many people who fail to shed stubborn fat in certain areas of their body.

The best way to lose weight is to learn to eat healthily and to avoid feelings of guilt and frustration.

We need to change the way we eat and opt for natural and whole foods that provide us with the necessary nutrients and that allow us to feel full of energy, vitality and good morale.

If we learn to eat well, not only will we lose weight gradually, without the feared boomerang effect, and we will never need to diet.

There are several factors that can cause a swollen belly. To reduce your waistline, you must therefore take into account the various factors that swell the belly :

  • food rich in harmful fats such as fried foods, pastry, cold meats, dairy products etc.
  • excess refined sugars that cause insulin imbalances and pancreatic disorders
  • digestive problems like gas and constipation
  • hormonal imbalances
  • stress

Here we offer you 4 delicious smoothies made from natural ingredients that are very effective in reducing the waistline.

1. Apple, maca and coconut oil smoothie to reduce your waistline

Apple, maca and coconut oil smoothie

This smoothie is perfect for breakfast: sweet and creamy.

Its ingredients are excellent for removing fat.


Apple is rich in fiber, especially the skin, and therefore helps reduce the fat that accumulates around the waistline.

It is also beneficial for the liver thanks to its high content of malic acid, an acid that helps to lose weight.


The Maca is a tuber from Peru known to give energy, enhance libido and regulate hormonal disorders that can cause enlargement of the waistline.

It can be consumed as a powder. You have to go gradually: if you consume too much of it at once, it can cause nervousness.

Coconut oil

This oil has endless health properties. In particular, it activates the metabolism which burns calories and fats, especially in the belly.

2. Pear, ginger and brewer’s yeast

This smoothie is refreshing and aromatic, ideal for hot days.

Its ingredients are ideal for helping to reduce the girth of the waistline.

The pear

The pear is a fruit very mineralizing which helps us fight against fluid retention, one of the major causes of belly bulge.


This spice also removes fluids from our body and, what is more, speeds up the metabolism.

Beer yeast

This supplement helps us to regulate the nervous system and to fight against anxiety.

It is also very suitable for combating emotional disorders that cause us to overeat or compulsively.

3. Pineapple, avocado and chia seeds

This tropical, sweet and creamy smoothie is one of the most nutritious and filling.


In addition to being a diuretic, pineapple improves digestion and releases the stomach when it is heavy or swollen.


It is an excellent fruit for weight loss, because its high content of healthy fats activates the metabolism and helps us burn fat, especially those around the waistline.

Plus, it makes the smoothie creamier and more filling.

Chia seeds

If we put them to soak the night before, these seeds fight constipation and regulate any intestinal disorder.

To benefit from all their benefits, they must be mixed with the maceration water.

4. Oats, cinnamon and cocoa

Oatmeal and cinnamon smoothie

This smoothie is super-nutritious, ideal before any physical or mental effort. And it doesn’t make us gain weight!


Oats are an excellent cereal for losing weight, because they are very filling. It slows down the urge to snack between meals and calms eating disorders.

You can get flaked or ground oats, and even cook them in a little water to aid digestion.


Cinnamon helps reduce the waistline because it allows us to burn calories. It is great for regulating blood sugar levels, which can cause fat to build up in the belly.


Cocoa makes us happy and full of energy. Feel free to consume a healthy chocolate smoothie without remorse with cocoa!

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