A Trick For Firming The Skin With Ice Cubes

Since applying ice cubes directly to the skin can irritate or burn us, it is good to wrap them in a cloth before performing the massage.

Discover a trick with ice cubes to firm the skin of your face. Most people are concerned about the condition of their skin. Because we are all aware that we are exposed to a large number of factors that can weaken it.

Environmental toxins, UV rays from the sun, and bad habits are some of the things that can speed up one’s aging process.

Fortunately, the cosmetics industry and many professionals have created a large amount of products and techniques that counteract damage to the skin to stimulate rejuvenation.

But, in most cases, these products are too expensive and not many people can afford them.

In this article, we are going to reveal to you a more economical alternative that we can practice every day to take care of your skin.

It is no more and no less than a facial therapy with ice cubes, which is more and more famous for its abilities to tone and revitalize the face.

It is a treatment of oriental origin that has been extended all over the world so that women can take care of themselves without spending too much money.

Want to find out?

Ice cube therapy to tone the skin

Thousands of women use ice cubes in their beauty programs to supplement skin care. 

Indeed, it is a good alternative to stimulate blood circulation and give the face a healthier appearance.

In addition to that, it decreases expression lines, prevents spots and reduces the size of acne pimples.

Below, we detail all the virtues of this therapy:

It gives softer skin

The regular use of ice cubes on the face seals enlarged pores and helps eliminate impurities that make it lose its soft texture.

It serves as a tonic lotion

In fact, to avoid resorting to commercial tonic lotions, you can apply a little ice cubes before putting on makeup.

Thanks to this, you will minimize the appearance of pores under makeup, and thus obtain a more even base without imperfections.

It stimulates blood circulation

The cold constricts blood vessels and stimulates blood circulation to prevent the formation of bags under the eyes and small vascular spiders. 

It reduces dark circles

Continued practice of this therapy decreases the black coloring that affects the eye area.

It fights against imperfections

The anti-inflammatory power of ice cubes calms the irritation and reddening that occurs from acne pimples and bites.

Its application several times a day promotes the treatment of acne and reduces the impact of free radicals.

How to apply the ice cube facial treatment?

In view of all the benefits that one obtains from this therapy, the best is to make it a key step in your beauty program.

Note that this is a very economical option and that it hardly takes time.

However, its effects are not immediate and you have to be regular to take advantage of them.

You will need:

  • Ice cubes
  • 1 hand towel or linen

Step 1

First of all, make sure you have a clean face and remove all traces of makeup and dirt.

2nd step

Wrap ice cubes in a towel or cloth because if you apply them directly, you could break the vessels under the skin.

Step 3

Massage the areas of the face with the cloth, exerting light pressure for one or two minutes on each part.

Use circular motions on:

  • Jaw and chin
  • Forehead
  • Days
  • All along the nose

Once you get to the eye area, make more delicate movements.

Step 5

After this therapy, apply a facial tonic lotion or a product to moisturize the skin.

Final tips

In case of burns or superficial lesions, use a cotton cloth and massage gently.

On the other hand, avoid the fabric of the towel as it can be a bit aggressive.

On the other hand, for oily or blackheaded skin, it is good to leave the ice cubes on longer, until you feel the cold on your face. After the operation, apply an anti-acne treatment or lotion.

If you want to gain additional benefits to prevent premature aging, you can make ice cubes with anti-inflammatory and nutritious ingredients.

Here are the most recommended:

  • Rose water
  • Witch hazel water
  • Lemon juice
  • Green tea
  • Chamomile infusion
  • Cucumber water

This therapy will take a maximum of 15 minutes each time. Also, it is good to do it in the morning and in the evening for best results.

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