An Effective Trick To Remove Marks From Wood

To recover your damaged wooden furniture, it is not necessary to spend a fortune on suitable products, sold in stores. With a few homemade tips, you will be able to solve your problems in a matter of seconds.

To recover your damaged wooden furniture, it is not necessary to spend a fortune on suitable products, sold in stores.

With a few homemade tips, you will be able to solve your problems in a matter of seconds.

We almost all have wooden furniture at home, which allows us to give a rustic touch and a cozy appearance to our accommodation.

However, when we acquire them, we are often unaware that they require special care to keep them in good condition for a long time.

Even though a large part of their “life expectancy” depends on the initial quality of the wood, the treatment we give them plays a very important role in ensuring that they do not deteriorate quickly.

One of the most common things that can happen to us with wooden furniture is applying too much weight, without being aware that this will generate marks, such as small indentations.

These marks are quite noticeable and give the furniture an unkempt look, although everything else in the structure is immaculate.

We are going to present you a very interesting trick to restore almost any wooden surface in a matter of seconds.

The best part about this technique is that it does not require the purchase of expensive products or specific equipment, as we usually already have everything we need at home.

In fact, we just need an iron, a little water and a heat-resistant cloth to complete the operation.

Are you ready to discover a trick that will change your life?

How to remove marks from wood in 30 seconds?

It is important to specify that these tips will not work on furniture that is very damaged.

If you are in this case, it is better to opt for some kind of coating to fill the roughness. Or sand your furniture to bring it up to level.

The trick we are sharing today can be used on doors, tables, furniture, and all types of wood surfaces that have received knocks or have wet marks.

You are going to need:

  • 1 iron
  • 1 fine linen
  • Water (as much as needed)

Step 1

To start, you’ll need to pour a little water over the recess, as if you wanted to fill it.

2nd step

Then put the laundry on the surface, so that it absorbs all the water you just spilled.

Step 3

Heat your iron to maximum temperature, then iron the laundry for a few minutes, until the water disappears completely.

Step 4

Apply light pressure with the plank, making circular motions. The iron should be lifted regularly so that the laundry does not burn.

Step 5

Turn off the iron and remove the laundry to experience the new look of your wood!

Some other tips to restore your wooden surfaces

In addition to the method we just presented to you to reduce marks on your wood surfaces, there are other tips and tricks to help you improve the look of your furniture when it starts to look too worn.

Being able to restore them in such an easy way will make you realize that you don’t need to buy new ones.

Hide scratches

To hide scratches on your wooden surfaces, get a cotton swab that you will immerse in ground coffee while still damp, before applying it to the affected area.

Wait 10 to 15 minutes, then rub well with a cotton towel to remove any coffee residue.

Remove stains

Water or dye stains can be removed very easily, with a simple solution based on rapeseed oil and white vinegar.

These two liquids penetrate well the surface of the furniture and allow to remove the traces without sticking.

You will only have to apply the two products directly to the wood using a microfiber or cotton cloth.

Conceal cracks

If the surface of the wood has small cracks, but the paint is in perfect condition, take some clear nail polish and apply it directly to the affected area.

Restore the paint

Over time, parts of your furniture may start to look discolored.

Fortunately, thanks to coconut oil, you will be able to give them back all their color of yesteryear. You can also offer them lasting protection against various attacks.

Apply a small amount of this product to the discolored areas and rub with a cloth, until the surface is smooth.

Eliminate traces of water on the wood

By placing a glass or any other container containing water on wood, it is possible that these famous circular spots appear, which are very unsightly.

Even though these stains are very old, you can rub them with a little mayonnaise to make them disappear. Leave it on for 30 minutes, then wipe it off with a clean cloth. You will be surprised !

As you can see, it is very easy to restore the look of all your wooden furniture that is starting to look damaged.

The important thing is to follow all the steps in this article well to get good results.

Do not throw away your old furniture and restore it with ease!

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