Breast Cancer Screening Tests

Breast cancer is one of the most common pathologies of the 21st century. Its timely diagnosis helps save lives. Find out about the main screening exams.

Why are breast cancer screening tests important? First of all, it should be remembered that in 2018, the World Cancer Observatory (GLOBOCAN) recorded a total of more than 2 million new cases of breast cancer worldwide.

In the same year,  GLOBOCAN recorded more than 600,000 deaths from breast cancer. These data rank breast cancer second among new cancer cases and sixth in terms of deaths.

Screening tests, which are varied, play a fundamental role in the prognosis of the disease. They aim in particular to detect tumor lesions at an early stage, with the lowest possible health risk.

Breast cancer screening tests

Information published through the National Cancer Institute reports that breast cancer screening tests are performed primarily in women with a family history of the disease or other significant risk factors. We detail the most common below. below.


Mammography is a type of diagnostic imaging that uses x-rays to detect changes in breast tissue caused by cancer. Women are subjected to this examination as a measure of early detection of lesions which usually accompany the malignant changes typical of cancer.

It is therefore recommended that women have a first mammogram between 30 and 35 years old. Then continue with an annual mammogram after 45 years. Mammography is considered an uncomfortable exam.

However, it only lasts a few minutes and the discomfort goes away quickly. This is a small price to pay compared to the benefit of early detection of a condition such as cancer.

Mammography is part of breast cancer screening tests


This is a type of diagnostic imaging that  uses sound waves to visualize changes in breast tissue. This exam is very useful for observing palpable masses that cannot be seen during the mammogram.

In addition, sonomammography is widely used to guide the doctor during biopsies. These are used to get cells from the lesion and find out if there is cancer. Finally, sonomammography is completely painless and only takes a few minutes.

Breast biopsy

The term breast biopsy  is a group of procedures that aim to remove tissue from the affected breast. The extracted tissues are then subjected to further examinations for the detection of cancer.

When we talk about breast biopsy, we mean biopsies with needles or through surgery. During needle biopsies, the doctor uses a hollow needle to extract fragments of tissue in the area suspected of having cancer. In the case of surgery, the professional removes some or all of the suspect tissue from the affected breast.

A breast cancer screening test in progress

Magnetic resonance (MRI)

An MRI uses radio waves and strong magnets to produce very detailed images of breast tissue. This exam takes pictures from many angles and creates images of parts of the soft tissue of the body  that would be difficult to see with other imaging studies.

On the other hand, it is considered as a complementary test to mammography and sonomammography, reserved for studying the tissue in more detail in certain necessary cases. This is due to its high cost and greater risk of positive failure for suspicious lesions. Magnetic resonance is completely painless and does not emit radiation into the body.

Breast cancer screening tests: what to remember

There are various tests to detect breast cancer early and in a timely manner. Currently, the most widely used is mammography. It involves the use of X-rays to try to observe changes in the breast tissue. Finally, it is advisable to perform a mammogram every year after 45 years.

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