Breastfeeding And Spirulina: Are They Compatible?

Many people advise consuming spirulina during pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, there is not sufficient evidence to support their compatibility. Find out more about it.

In reality,  there is no categorical agreement on the compatibility between breastfeeding and spirulina. Many professionals consider this combination to be positive, but do not consider the possible major effects. For others, however, there may be some incompatibility.

Remember that spirulina is an alga which belongs to the genus Arthrospira and which, for some time,  has been promoted as a nutritional supplement with exceptional properties. It actually provides a lot of nutrients and serves as a supplement against certain diseases.

Spirulina is obtained on the market in the form of pills or tablets. It is also available in liquid and powder form. Usually it is sold in health food stores. However,  no published study warns of side effects or risky interactions with this substance.

Spirulina and its properties

Even though a good part of the doctors do not perceive the exceptional properties of spirulina, the truth is that the consumption of this substance has become very popular. According to its supporters, it  is believed to exhibit properties for the following conditions:

  • Nutrition. Apparently, it has a significant amount of nutrients that make an ideal nutritional supplement.
  • Obesity. Spirulina would reduce body fat, decrease appetite and lower blood cholesterol levels. This is what this study, published in Complementary Therapies in Medicine, observes.
  • Aging. According to a publication in the journal Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity it has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that reduce aging.
  • Immune system. According to this research published in Archives of Toxicology, spirulina increases the level of antibody production.
  • Other. According to research in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, other properties are attributed to it: restorative, reducing chronic fatigue, adjuvant in allergic rhinitis, antiviral, reducing cholesterol and diabetes, among others.

Glass of spirulina.

Breastfeeding and spirulina: the arguments in favor

Some people consider that breastfeeding and spirulina are perfectly compatible. They also recommend this combination during pregnancy. Their arguments are that it restores the nutritional deficiencies of the mother and contributes to the normal development of the baby.

Spirulina protects the mother during pregnancy because it contains 10 times more iron than common foods. This then helps prevent anemia. It also has a high content of calcium, an essential mineral during pregnancy.

When it comes to breastfeeding and spirulina, some people think they are compatible. Indeed, according to popular belief,  spirulina helps provide more nutrients to the baby, through breast milk. It contains, among other things, gamma-linoleic acid, fundamental for the correct brain development of the baby.

Breastfeeding and spirulina: arguments against

There is also a set of people who perceive an incompatibility between breastfeeding and spirulina. Some brands of spirulina expressly state that it should not be consumed by women during pregnancy or breastfeeding, or by very young children. They also warn of possible side effects.

Moreover, their argument is mainly linked to the high amount of iodine contained in spirulina which can alter, to a greater or lesser extent, thyroid function. However, no relevant study proves this relationship.

What was reported in a recent article, published in Breastfeeding Medicine , is that  supplementation with spirulina while breastfeeding changes the color of the milk and makes it green-blue. However, no abnormalities were found in the composition of the milk and, after stopping spirulina, the milk returned to its normal color over the following days.

A woman breastfeeding her baby.


The available scientific studies do not support the claimed properties of spirulina. But neither are there any formal studies that exclude them. In this case, as in others,  it is better to consult a doctor before regularly consuming this substance. Especially during pregnancy and lactation.

In addition, there are many substances which are sold as spirulina, but which in reality do not have the same composition. Some spirulina dietary supplements have been found to contain higher arsenic levels. 

Likewise, not all presentations are reliable and guaranteed. Finally, it is also necessary to check the quality of the product and then purchase it from stores from a trusted source.

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