Brew An Anti-inflammatory Ginger Beer

Ginger is one of the most widely used food and medicinal spices in the world.

The anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of ginger have made it possible to offer alternative treatments to treat different pathologies, since it decreases the pain and inflammation of the tissues of the body. 

Its peculiar smell and taste make it very attractive in cooking all over the world. Its main uses have a link with health. Indeed, ginger represents a natural source of vitamins, minerals and essential antioxidant compounds. There is also a ginger beer.

Today, it is known that including ginger in your diet is good for heart health, muscle pain, and the prevention of many chronic diseases caused by inflammation.

Everything indicates that gingerol, its active compound, is what gives it its characteristic pungent taste, but it is also one of the best natural anti-inflammatories.

Anti-inflammatory ginger beer

If we open the catalog of ginger remedies for pain relief, we find an interesting recipe for anti-inflammatory beer. This is very powerful for treating rheumatoid arthritis as well as the most serious muscle problems.

It is a fermented drink, whose properties could reduce pain and inflammation to improve this type of ailments.

In addition, since it contains groups of healthy bacteria, ginger brings additional benefits to the digestive system, by regulating the intestinal flora.


  • 5 cm of fresh ginger root
  • ½ cup of muscovado sugar or honey
  • ½ cup of lemon juice (125 ml)
  • ¼ teaspoon of sea salt (optional)
  • 8 cups of water (2 liters)
  • ½ cup fermented ginger (see final recipe)


  • Chop the ginger root.
  • Boil three cups of water in a saucepan and add the chopped ginger, sugar and salt.
  • Cook over low heat for 5 minutes and check that the sugar is well melted.
  • Add the rest of the water and wait a few hours until the mixture cools to room temperature.
  • Continue to add the lemon and half a cup of fermented ginger.
  • When it’s ready, pour the contents into an airtight glass container and put it in a dark place.
  • Let it sit for two to three days so that it becomes carbonated.
  • If you leave it on longer, the drink will start to get alcoholic.
  • Filter and transfer the liquid to individual bottles for storage in the refrigerator.

To know !

The fermentation process will depend on the temperature, sugar and strength of the cultures added.

Eventually the drink will have a sweet ginger smell associated with the smell of fermentation or yeast.

Do not let the liquid sit for more than the recommended time as it may over ferment and generate a mini-explosion.

How to make fermented ginger?

Prepare fermented ginger

Since we know that it is very difficult to obtain fermented ginger in the market, we are going to share with you the steps of the recipe to prepare it at home in an organic way.


  • 8 tablespoons of grated ginger (80 g)
  • 8 tablespoons of sugar (80 g)
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)


  • To start, mix two or three tablespoons of grated ginger with the same amount of sugar.
  • Then add two cups of water and stir everything so that the ingredients combine well.
  • Put the liquid in a lightly covered container and let it sit.
  • For 5 days, stir the mixture every day and add another spoonful of grated ginger and another spoonful of sugar to it.
  • The fermented will be ready when bubbles form on the top and the liquid is cloudy, opaque and with a yeasty odor.
  • You can keep this fermented indefinitely, as long as you “feed” it somehow.

How to consume this ginger beer?

To decrease joint and muscle pain, you can take this drink every day or at least three times a week.

For starters, the dose is half a glass, (100ml) although you can increase it by 150-200ml, as needed.

Note:  Since it is made with a significant amount of sugar, this drink is not suitable for people with diabetes or high blood sugar levels.

If you consider that you can ingest it, it is important that you prepare it at home to enjoy its benefits for both pain and disease prevention and strengthening the immune system. Get started!

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