Can’t Sleep Because Of Your Snoring Or That Of Your Partner?

Although not a disease, snoring can indicate some problem. Be careful not to get overweight, and change your sheets often to avoid allergies.

The unpleasant sounds of snoring occur when a small obstruction prevents the passage of air into the posterior part of the mouth and nose.

Snoring is not considered to be a disease or anything that poses any risk to health. However, it has been found that this can affect the sleep quality of the affected person.

If your snoring often interrupts your sleep and you cannot get enough rest, the remedies we are going to tell you about are definitely going to interest you.

This is admittedly a very common problem. It has nevertheless become one of the main reasons for marital and family discord.

We will therefore present to you, below, the best advice and remedies to avoid snoring  that interrupts your sleep.

Recommendations to avoid or reduce snoringyour snoring

  • Before sleeping, you should avoid consuming alcohol, drugs, coffee or heavy foods to digest.
    These factors increase the chances of snoring. They can also make your snoring problems much worse. This is because alcohol causes the muscles in our throat to relax excessively and this leads to snoring.
    Too much high-calorie food causes obstruction of the airways and pushes up the diaphragm, which also increases the risk of snoring.
  • Change your bed sheets frequently. Keeping the same sheets too long can create a perfect playground for dust mites and other allergenic factors.
    These can cause nasal congestion, interfere with breathing and therefore lead to snoring.
  • Sleep on your side.  Indeed, sleeping on the back creates support for the tongue and the palate on the throat, which blocks the flow of air and hinders breathing.
    A good tip for learning to sleep on your side is to place a tennis ball against your back under your pajamas. So whenever you feel like lying on your back in your sleep, the ball will get in your way and stop you.
  • Fight your allergies. If you frequently suffer from allergies or nasal congestion, this may be the cause of your snoring.
    To fight them, the ideal is then to use a descongestionant or an antihistamine to avoid an allergic crisis and to sleep better. However, these drugs should only be used with medical support. They also cannot be ingested continuously.
  • Avoid being overweight. Obesity and being overweight increase the risk of snoring. This is because the weight of the body presses on the airways and interferes with breathing.
    If you are overweight, we advise you to start looking for solutions to eliminate those extra pounds. This will help you fight snoring and improve your general health.
  • It is advisable to sleep with several pillows to keep the air duct in our throat open and thus prevent snoring.

Home remedies for snoring

Mint gargles

Mint is an excellent remedy for snoring when it is caused by colds or allergies.

Simply add a drop of mint essential oil to a glass of cold water and then gargle with this mixture.

Rue and olive oil

This excellent remedy is ideal for decongesting the respiratory tract and preventing annoying snoring.

To do this, simply crush 50 grams of rue and incorporate them in a jar with olive oil.

Leave to macerate for 14 days and then apply the mixture in light massages on your nose, neck and neck every night before going to bed.

Lemon and Honey

Lemon juice and honey are two good allies for preventing and combating the discomfort of snoring, since they help reduce the secretions that obstruct the respiratory tract and therefore facilitate breathing.

To prepare this remedy, nothing could be simpler: squeeze a fresh lemon into a glass and add three teaspoons of honey to it. Mix the ingredients well and drink it before going to bed.

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