Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) In Women

Chronic fatigue can dramatically reduce our quality of life. In this article, we will explain how to prevent it, what are its symptoms and what are the most suitable treatments to cure it.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a complex disease that greatly affects the quality of life of people with it.

According to statistics, there are five times more women than men who are affected by CFS, that is, for some particular reason it affects more women . Pain, extreme fatigue, depression… the effects of this disorder are multiple and it is important to understand what the causes are and how to treat it!

The effects of chronic fatigue syndrome are difficult for people who suffer from it, because somehow they end up isolating themselves in their own illness, because it is difficult for them to go to work and even to d ‘have a social life.

Any exertion involves extreme fatigue, and their aching bodies force them to take rest. But why does this happen? And most importantly, what can we do?

Symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome

Symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome.

People with chronic fatigue syndrome say that every day is a challenge for them to overcome. The symptoms of this embarrassing and painful disease are multiple and all correspond to the same pattern:

  • Symptoms appear between the ages of 25 and 50.
  • The body is constantly sore; some people claim that a simple pressure on the neck or back is enough to trigger terrible pain.
  • Muscle pain is a kind of burning. In the early stages of the disease, it can be confused with the pain of the flu, the same general fatigue that is felt in muscles and bones. The pain is not localized, it is general.
  • Permanent fatigue. People with chronic fatigue syndrome feel so tired that they have difficulty doing household chores, looking after children, and even washing their own toilet. They feel pain even when brushing their hair.
  • Insomnia attacks are usual.
  • Problems with the intestines.
  • Dizziness.
  • Migraines.
  • Mood alterations due to pain and fatigue. Mild stressful or distressing events result in more severe physical pain in patients. Sometimes the loss of a loved one can make chronic fatigue syndrome significantly worse.
  • Dry eye syndrome. Its appearance is common when suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Alterations in the rate of production of adrenal hormones.

What are the causes of chronic fatigue syndrome?

Until now, specialists have not been able to determine the causes of this syndrome. It has long been thought to be due to the following circumstances:

  • Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) or human herpes virus type 6 (HHV-6).
  • Inflammation of the nervous system, due to a poor response of the immunological system.

But recently, work was published in the Journal of Translation Medicine which identified eight proteins related to its occurrence, namely:

  • A set of molecules involved in immunological processes. A slight alteration of these structures can cause a breach in our defense system and lead to generalized discomfort. For the moment, the analyzes give us hope that it will soon be possible to know its progress and limit its effects.

Why does chronic fatigue syndrome affect women more often?

Chronic fatigue syndrome in women.

It is an obvious reality. Chronic fatigue syndrome particularly affects women. Given the lack of data that allows us to understand this disease, it seems that the origin of this disorder lies in our immune system.

In a way, our hormones could also be involved and the slightest alteration in these would affect molecules in our immune system, thus triggering the process.

Almost twice as many women as men have CFS; this is why specialists suggest the following factors as possible causes:

  • The hereditary factor, hormonal alterations, stress and anxiety, failures of the immunological system.

How to treat chronic fatigue syndrome?

Vitamin B12 against chronic fatigue syndrome.

Currently, unfortunately, there is no effective treatment to cure chronic fatigue syndrome. According to the studies we have discussed, the immune system should be strengthened to prevent the onset of the syndrome.

How do you get there? By consuming vitamin C (oranges, lemons, kiwis), vitamin B12, which can be bought in health food stores and pharmacies, and vitamin A, which protects us from infections (consume fruits and green and red vegetables).

Many people with this condition experience improvement when they consume these vitamins.

In order to improve the life of patients, the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome is based on the following:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy that provides patients with a means to cope and improve their personal and social quality of life.
  • Techniques to facilitate sleep.
  • Medicines to reduce pain, discomfort and fever.
  • Medicines to treat anxiety (anti-anxiety drugs).
  • Medicines to treat depression (antidepressants).

Each person is a special case and is the subject of personalized attention, and  we encourage you above all to adopt an adequate diet to protect your immune system!

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