Clean Your Interior Without Chemicals!

Here we explain how to clean your interior without chemicals, with natural ingredients such as baking soda.

We are increasingly aware that natural homemade products like those used by our grandparents are more economical and effective than those offered in supermarkets. In this article, we’ll explain how to clean your home without chemicals using natural ingredients like lemon, baking soda, and vinegar.

In addition, they have the great advantage of not containing chemicals which, in the long term, can be toxic.

Find out all about it with us!

Degrease your kitchen without chemicals

To remove grease residue in your kitchen, you are going to need a product with a strong degreasing power. We therefore offer you a combination of vinegar and lemon juice.

With these two ingredients, you will be able to clean the surfaces of your kitchen, but also your oven, your gas stove, your refrigerator, etc.


  • 500 ml of vinegar
  • 100 ml lemon juice
  • 400 ml of water


You can mix the two ingredients, or mix vinegar and water with whole lemons, then filter everything, because the peel of this citrus fruit also has powerful degreasing effects.

Put everything in a bottle with sprayer.

Clean your toilets without chemicals

For the toilets, you are going to need a product that cleans deeply, while disinfecting and preventing the appearance of fungi, which can be caused by excess humidity.

We suggest you use tea tree essential oil, an excellent antifungal agent that will allow you to prevent the appearance of microorganisms.


  • 250 ml of vinegar
  • 250 ml of water
  • 30 drops of tea tree essential oil


Mix the two ingredients well, and always shake the product before using.

Clean floors without chemicals

Clean floors

When we clean the floors, we also want to perfume everything in our interior.

We therefore advise you to add the essential oil of your choice to the product that we are going to offer you.

It will also prevent you from having a product that smells too strongly of vinegar.

Some ideas of essential oils:

  • The mint : it has a cleaning effect and refreshing.
  • Citrus fruits: their pleasant aromas reinforce joy and good humor.
  • Rosemary: it increases the purifying effects of the product tenfold.


  • 250 ml of vinegar
  • 250 ml of water
  • 30 drops of the essential oil of your choice

Eliminate bad odors without chemicals

Used tea bags

Used tea bags can be hung out to dry, then reused to remove bad odors.

You can put some in a cardboard box, in which you will have made holes, before placing it in a cabinet, or in one of the corners of your refrigerator.

This odor absorbing ability of tea bags can also be used to clean carpets, but also blankets and beds of our pets.

To do this, all you need to do is spray the remains of the sachets directly on these surfaces, then leave them to act for a few minutes, before vacuuming.

In this way, you will remove powder and odors at the same time.

For rugs, you can substitute the tea bag powder for baking soda.

Wash clothes without chemicals

To wash your clothes, you can count on two natural products that will bring you incredible benefits:

  • Vinegar: if you add it to the fabric softener, you will have clothes that are softer, more pleasant to the touch, and without any smell of vinegar.
    This product will also allow you to take care of your machine, while eliminating lime deposits.
  • The baking soda : it facilitates the removal of difficult stains and whiten clothes.
    Always add a little in your machines, by placing it in the softener container, with the vinegar.

If you want to give your clothes a special aroma, you can add a few drops of essential oil.

We recommend the aromas of flowers, such as rose or orange blossom.

Purify your home without chemicals

In addition to cleaning the surfaces of your home, as well as your furniture, it is important to purify the environment of your interior.

For this, you must ventilate all the rooms well by opening your windows.

We offer you some natural tips to get good results:

  • Place cleansing plants in your home, such as pothos, which eliminates many toxic substances, without requiring too much maintenance.
  • Burn incense and natural resins several times a week.
  • Burn rosemary and ventilate well again.
  • Use an essential oil diffuser. You can choose between essential oils of rosemary, lemon, eucalyptus or pine.

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