Cleanse Your Colon With This Mixture

Thanks to its laxative properties, honey promotes intestinal movement and protects bacterial flora, while the detoxifying effect of vinegar promotes the elimination of waste.

The colon or large intestine is the part of the digestive system through which all the food we eat on a daily basis passes.

In view of the tasks that the colon performs, it is clear that its proper functioning is essential. This will mainly prevent the development of diseases.

However, due to bad eating habits, sedentarism and other inappropriate habits, he can develop serious difficulties and a series of ailments that are harmful to health.

This is why it is essential to give it great attention. In addition, we must try to adopt measures that promote its regular cleaning. 

Eating foods rich in fiber and drinking water daily are two ways to optimize the function of your colon.

In addition to this, one can use certain home remedies which, thanks to their properties, stimulate the elimination of accumulated toxins.

In this article, we are going to share with you a solution made from two very healthy ingredients, which support the functions of the colon. Discover it!

How to cleanse the colon with just two ingredients?

This remedy to cleanse the colon is nothing more than a simple combination of apple vinegar and bee honey. It’s two ingredients that are very popular from a medicinal point of view.

These two components have anti-inflammatory and digestive properties. These therefore promote the elimination of waste without causing side effects.

The benefits of apple cider vinegar

As long as it is 100% organic, apple vinegar has a detoxifying effect. It promotes the elimination of wastes that accumulate and are retained in the intestine.

Its alkaline properties reduce the acidity indices in the blood, and prevent a series of diseases in the cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems.

Thanks to its properties, we recommend that you drink apple cider vinegar as a supplement. It will be used to lower high triglyceride levels and blood pressure.

The benefits of bee honey

Pure bee honey is a sweet substance that is characterized by its high content of vitamins, minerals, fiber and enzymes. In addition, it is known to improve health.

Since ancient times, it has been used in alternative medicine since it has antiseptic, laxative and purifying properties which, without a doubt, work effectively against different types of ailments.

In the case of the colon, honey is very healthy because it helps protect the bacterial flora while stimulating the expulsion of retained waste.

It reduces abdominal inflammation and eliminates harmful bacteria thanks to its powerful antibiotic qualities.

Do not hesitate to consume honey especially for people with constipation. Indeed,  its slight laxative effect promotes bowel movement. 

Apple vinegar and honey remedy to cleanse the colon

Now that the properties of the ingredients are clear, here is the recipe for this remedy.

It is important that its consumption is accompanied by a balanced diet, preferably low in fats, sugar and refined flour. 


  • 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (10 ml)
  • Then, 1 teaspoon of honey (25 g)
  • And, 1 glass of lukewarm water (200 ml)


  • Heat the water, let stand and dissolve the spoonful of honey and apple cider vinegar in it.

Way of consuming

  • Have a drink on an empty stomach and repeat the process later.
  • Take it every day, for at least three weeks.
  • Repeat every two or three months.

The other benefits of this natural remedy

This remedy is a great solution for the poisoned colon! But not only …  The consumption of this vinegar and honey drink also brings other benefits to the body.

For example, if applied to the skin, it can fight acne, irritation and sunburns. This is due to the fact that its qualities stimulate the regeneration of the skin.

They also reduce the presence of bacteria to prevent infections.

It is also good for improving blood circulation and preventing the formation of thrombi, varicose veins and arterial hardening.

We recommend this drink as a remedy for common respiratory diseases. Effectively, it increases the body’s immunological response and helps fight viruses.

Its daily intake supports slimming diets because it stimulates the metabolism and prolongs the feeling of satiety.

Likewise, you should know that this drink is very good for combating the feeling of fatigue and having a good dose of energy.

To conclude, combining these two very common ingredients creates an incredible treatment for the colon and overall health.

Just follow the recommendations given to feel all the effects in a very short time.

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